最后祭出一个非常好玩也非常实用的家居小物件,毛衣去球石。 Sweater Stone,品牌就叫这个名字,也就只做毛衣石。自带均匀小孔,可以轻松去除毛衣和羊绒衫上的小球球,好多人用了以后都惊呼相见恨晚。The Laundress也有这样的毛衣石,真正用的是火山岩,价格也更贵些。 最后的最后,我觉得最萌的还是要数The Laundress的小白...
内衣皂 Sweater Stone 清理毛球的黏黏的东西(不过好像黏力过强,不太友好) 经对比,海外购比淘宝便宜大约10-20的样子(16oz=500ml,一般建议使用32次),看上去不多,150上下的东西,十几块优惠很巨大了~~
stonewash, stone-wash - wash with stones to achieve a worn appearance; "stonewash blue jeans" handwash, hand-wash - wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine; "This delicate sweater must be handwashed" machine wash, machine-wash - wash by machine; "Can these shirts be machine...
+My grandfather was also my first patron as a young writer. (I recount many of the same details above.) +More writing in the face of loss. +On to brighter things: Yoox has some exceptionally good finds right now:these Paris Texas sandals,this camel sweater, andthis Gucci dress. +If y...
stonewash, stone-wash - wash with stones to achieve a worn appearance; "stonewash blue jeans" handwash, hand-wash - wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine; "This delicate sweater must be handwashed" machine wash, machine-wash - wash by machine; "Can these shirts be machine...
stonewash, stone-wash - wash with stones to achieve a worn appearance; "stonewash blue jeans" handwash, hand-wash - wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine; "This delicate sweater must be handwashed" machine wash, machine-wash - wash by machine; "Can these shirts be machine...
stonewash, stone-wash - wash with stones to achieve a worn appearance; "stonewash blue jeans" handwash, hand-wash - wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine; "This delicate sweater must be handwashed" machine wash, machine-wash - wash by machine; "Can these shirts be machine...