【解析】】①中“thelaunchof”意为“发射”,“theSputnik 1 sate\llite”意为“斯普特尼克一号卫星”,“signalled”意为“标志着”。②中“communications”意为“交流”,“craft”意为“飞船”,“deepspace”意为“外太空”,“through”意为“通过”,“radiosignals”意为“无线电信号”。结合整句可知①标志...
【答案】①标志着②信号【核心短语词汇】launch ;发射Sputnik I;前苏联的第一颗人造地球卫星。radiosignals;无线电信号【翻译】①前苏联“一星”(Sputnik I)卫星的发射标志着太空时代的开始。②几乎在深空和地球所有的交流是通过无线电信号实现的。【解析】答句中:①根据“thestartoftheSpaceAge”中的start(开始,开...
The launch of Sputnik 1, the first satellite orbiting Earth, in 1957, followed by US satellite Explorer 1 in early 1958, triggered what we call the space race. Of course, there had already been space activities undertaken before that date on both sides of the iron curtain. The launch of ...
On January 31st, 1958, 119 days after the launch of Sputnik 1, all this was put to the test. And it worked! 1958年1月31日,“Sputnik”1号发射后的119天,所有设备都投入测试并且成功了! Getting into space was a big enough accomplishment, 进入太空本身就是一项了不起的成就, but Explorer 1 ...
Laika as seen shortly before her launch on Sputnik 2. (NASA) Since the 8A91 satellite launch vehicle (also known as the SL-2) version of the R-7 under development to launch Object D was still not available, Object PS-2 would be sent into orbit using the same stripped- down version ...
In 1957, the Space Age began with the launch of Sputnik 1, the first human-made satellite. Since then, the number of objects humans have launched into the universe has risen to the thousands. As these objects complete their missions or become inoperable(不实用的), they are left in orbit ...
60 years ago, on 4 October 1957, the USSR successfully launched into space the FIRST SPUTNIK (artificial Earth satellite). From this date begins the countdown of the space age. Information and mathematical software is an integral component of any space project. Discusses the history and future ...
The Sputnik crisis was a period of public fear and anxiety in Western nations about the perceived technological gap between the United States and Soviet Union caused by the Soviets' launch of Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial satellite. The crisis was a significant event in the Cold War...
(8) From the Internet users' point of view, to download a file is to request it from a Web page on another computer) and to receive it.(9) After the Soviet launch of the Sputnik satellite in 1957, the US military Research Projects Agency to fund research in things sometimes only ...
When, in 1980, the gene-transcription pioneer Mark Ptashne was induced to launch a bioengineering company from his professorship, storm clouds rose around him. Summers’s appointment—like A.S.U.’s presidential appointment, the following year, of the tech-policy specialist Michael Crow—...