(1)宗教意谓被束缚或捆绑,认可和庆祝神的“约束”;神与人之间的条约,据此人要虔敬,反过来神一定要增加人的好运;守信[The Latin word religio was understood, by Cicero and others, to be connected with the verb ligare, which means to ‘tie’ or to ‘bind’. Thus, it signified the condition of b...
题目 Pax Sinica (Latin for "Chinese peace") is a historiographical term, modeled after the original phrase Pax Romana, applied to the period of peace in East Asia, maintained by Chinese hegemony. During this period, long-distance trade flourished, cities ballooned, standards of living rose, and...
Our English word “vote” derives from the LatinVOTVM, which means a prayer, a wish, or a promise to God (this last is reflected in our words such as “devotion” and “votive” offerings.) The wordVOTVMis in turn derived from the verbVOVEREmeaning to pray, wish or to vow. ...
keep/hold(one's) peace To be silent. keep the peace To maintain or observe law and order:officers who were sworn to keep the peace. peace outSlang Used to express "goodbye." [Middle Englishpes, from Old Frenchpais, pes, from Latinpāx, pāc-; seepax.] ...
This chapter aims to demonstrate the connections between the pursuit of peace and education in Latin America. The focus of interest is the relationship between schooling, the ways of education for peace and peace building (particularly in its link with the development of citizenship) and the role...
The word pope (Latin papa,“father”) was used as early as the 3rd century to refer to any bishop, and the word papacy (Latin papatia, derived from papa) is of medieval origin. In its primary usage, papacy denotes the office of the bishop of Rome, for whom the title of pope has ...
These references are visual reminders of the Hebrew word for salvation, which means • peace, • wholeness, • health, • welfare, and • private property free from pirates and princes. When today's Americans hear the word "salvation," they usually think about going to heaven...
4. They named the first one polonium, after Marie’s native country, Poland, and the second one radium, fromradius, the Latin word for rays. 5. The nominating committee objected to including a woman as a Nobel Laureate, but Pierre insisted that the original research was Marie’s. 2.2 Und...
their immortal souls their incomes should their love their materialism is their means death their mothers knew it their moving to latin their only comfort their opposition to y their own lack of their own nests their own pace their own pure joy im their part to the mul their playoff run th...
by means of With the use of; owing to: They succeeded by means of patience and sacrifice. by no means In no sense; certainly not: This remark by no means should be taken lightly. [Middle English mene, middle, from Old French meien, from Latin mediānus, from medius; see medhyo- in...