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Film The Reviews Hub - FilmFebruary 16, 2025 0 My Husband the Cyborg Director: Susanna Cappellaro Marriage is not for everyone, something the increasingly beleaguered Susanna Cappellaro discovers when her husband decides to…Read More » Review The Reviews Hub - FilmFebruary 14, 2025 0 Hope –...
Dark of the Matinee is a film and movie review site based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Matthew Robinson is the lead reviewer. Matthew Robinson is a member of the Phoenix Critics Circle. Major motion pictures, independent film, Hollywood, movie, films, movie
Meet filmmaker Reema Sengupta whose latest work ‘Counterfeit Kunkoo’ won the Jury’s Special... Renting from the Moral Police – Filmmaker Reema Sengupta on ‘Counterfeit Kunkoo’ Read Movie Reviews From Top Critics Read movie reviews from Top Film Critics in India. Their aggrgate score gives...
Sundance 2025: all the latest movie reviews and updates from the festival Andrew Webster Zodiac Killer Project. This incredibly meta story isn’t strictly about the Zodiac Killer, but rather a failed attempt to make a documentary. After director Charlie Shackleton lost the rights to adapt the boo...
Forget all of the Scorsese vs comic book movies debate, the only drama you need to know about in this conversation is how good the famed director's latest film, The Irishman, is. One of the best movies on Netflix is long enough to be broken into 4 digestible 'episodes' that are about...
Netflix Film Reviews: The Timo Tjahjanto Trilogy When Welsh filmmaker Gareth Evans burst on the cinematic scene with martial arts film,Merantau(2009)and followed it with the seminal action classic,The Raid(2011), he precipitated a welcome interest in Indonesian cinema and visceral fight films too...
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