今日主推: the latent image:http://t.cn/A6u31mwb 隔壁的房间:http://t.cn/A6u3FKyM 五面骰:http://t.cn/A6u16SDs 老爸知道:http://t.cn/A6u1djUA Blond night:http://t.cn/A6urNBU8 不忠者:http://t.cn/...
Jay Clift and Joshua Tonks in The Latent Image (2022)
[2023.04.23] We released the codes for various tasks (including IR-SDE, Refusion, and Latent-Refusion). [2023.04.17] 🎉🎉🎉 Our method Refusion is the Winning Solution in NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge [Paper]. Dependenices OS: Ubuntu 20.04 nvidia : cuda: 11.7 cudnn: 8.5...
the same time or their temporal activity correlated, even if they do not have a node in common (for instance, the activity of a given link could be causally related to the activity of another, apparently distant link, and such dependence could be mediated by a latent, non-observable link)...
Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 2005 (2023) Cite this article 6162 Accesses 10 Citations 1 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract A new method for multimodal sensor fusion is introduced. The technique relies on a two-stage process. In the first stage, a multimodal generative model is ...
OCR-VQGAN: Taming Text-within-Image Generation Juan A. Rodríguez, David Vázquez, Issam Laradji, Marco Pedersoli, Pau RodríguezWACV2023[paper(CVF)][paper(arxiv)][code]Font Stye Transfer and Glyph GenerationNN ApproachDS-Fusion: Artistic Typography via Discriminated and Stylized Diffusion ...
Article Open access 02 November 2023 Main Memories of individuals’ experiences are represented across assemblies of neurons in hippocampal and cortical circuits. Several mechanisms of formation and maintenance of these assemblies have been proposed. The most prominent such mechanism is stimulus-induced ...
Image Processing and Communications, 13(3–4), 59–64. Google Scholar Koestinger, M., Wohlhart, P., Roth, P. M., & Bischof, H. (2011). Annotated facial landmarks in the wild: A large-scale, real-world database for facial landmark localization. In ICCV workshop (pp. 2144–...
Evaluation of eddy covariance latent heat fluxes with independent lysimeter and sapflow estimates in a Mediterranean savannah ecosystem. Agric. For. Meteorol. 2017, 236, 87–99. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Moffat, A.; Papale, D.; Reichstein, M.; Hollinger, D.Y.; Richardson, A.D.; Barr...
If the innermost inner core (IMIC) is a transition between iron phases or a recrystallization boundary, it might present a mechanism that can release latent heat and drive convection in the IC. The heat sources within the IC are constrained by the heat budget of the outer core and mantle. ...