任天堂株式会社は现在开発中のWii用RPG「THE LAST STORY(ラストストーリー)」の トレーラームービーを公式ホームページと「みんなのニンテンドーチャンネル」において公开した。 同作は2010年の発売を予定しており、価格は未定。 「THE LAST STORY」は坂口博信氏率いるミストウォーカーが...
Review The Last Story (Wii) A memorable tale As the Wii prepares to be usurped by its successor, you could argue the console's getting some exceptional adventures in its twilight. European gamers had the pleasure of working through epics such as The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Xenobla...
the last story 不愧神作 只看楼主收藏回复 弱爆is你妹 请看吧规 1 爽! 送TA礼物 1楼2011-11-02 14:54回复 yuty15 普通玩家 6 么玩过 来自手机贴吧2楼2011-11-02 18:52 回复 seyoumase 人气楷模 12 玩不过。。。 3楼2011-11-02 20:47 回复 ...
实事求是,我只打过The Last Story。小胡子毕竟是FF亲爹,这游戏无聊程度大概比FF13只好上一点。战斗...
有玩了THE LAS..小时候我也红白机上玩过日文的热血系列,不过那个自己摸索就行了,这rpg不懂日语还玩毛啊。。。我可不想边查攻略边玩,还是等中文或英文一次玩痛快点得了
Over 1K gamers have voted on the 200 Best Switch Games For Adults. Current Top 3: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The Elder ...
perhaps GAME shouldn't have accepted pre-orders for a product that they wouldn't, ultimately, deliver. For those of you interested in this particular version, there is still time to track it down elsewhere. Don't forget to check out ourThe Last Story reviewfor the lowdown on this latest...
It’s an impressively free form adventure and has a non-linear narrative where you choose how to experience the story. Collection of Mana (Switch): this retro collection features the first three games in the series: the Game Boy’s FINAL FANTASY ADVENTURE and the SNES games Secret of Mana ...