【PC】《最后的神迹 The Last Remnant》中英文D5完整版下载 这款游戏主要讲述的是:在远古时代存在被称为“Remnant”(神迹)的物体,这种物体具有强大的力量,拥有它们即可支配世界。围绕Remnant,人类展开了漫长的战争。这些Remnant都非常巨大,例如城镇中央的巨剑甚至巨龙骨。本作的主角名为Rush Sykes,是一名性格慵懒的少...
We didn’t have a roundup last month, as a lot of work during December was odd jobs, internal bits and pieces, instead of project work as a lot of us had time off during the holiday period. Since we all came back into the office, we’ve hit the ground running and here are some...
英文名称:The Last Remnant 发行时间:2009年3月18日 游戏类型:角色扮演 游戏语言:英文 开发厂商:...
• Experience groundbreaking graphics, only possible on next-generation platforms, that bring the intensity of gameplay to an entirely new level • Uncover the mystery of the Remnants, powerful artifacts from an ancient civilization that are scattered around the world and stand as they were a mi...
从初代发售至今已经过去10年,虽然主机已经换代,但《最后的神迹》登陆PS4版的行为也算是兑现了10年前没有遵守的承诺。 8月25日后,Steam版《最后的神迹》迎来了一小波购买高潮,由于SE即将下架这款游戏的消息传播开来,一些情怀玩家迅速补了票。 SE在宣布下架Steam版本时并没有说明下架原因,但如今这个原因已经不言而...
由SQUARE-ENIX负责开发的日式RPG大作《最后的遗迹》(The Last Remnant)PC版即将发售,PC版(Games For...
Remnant Online Newsletters (public) Archive of our Newsletters that go to all members and the public. 87 Posts 3 Topics Last postbyRichard Myers inRe: TRO Newsletter Archi... on September 11, 2023, 07:58:28 AM Spring Meeting of General Conference ...
The Last Remnant 游戏类型: 角色扮演 游戏制作: Square Enix 游戏发行: Square Enix 游戏平台: PC/Xbox360/PS3 上市时间: 2008-11-20(PS3 /XBOX360) 2018-12-06(PS4) 2009-03-20(PC) 详细信息 8.4 玩家评分 153人评价 5 51.0% 4 25.5%
Games for Windows (PC)/ Spring 2009 PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment system/ TBA Genre: RPG ESRB: M (Mature) THE LAST REMNANT is a completely new RPG and the company's first IP that seeks to implement elements that appeal to users around the world. The development team is comprised of...