The first season of the television series The Last of Us premiered on HBO on January 15, 2023, with the episode "When You're Lost in the Darkness", and ended on March 12, 2023, with the episode "Look for the Light". The first episode details life leading
Добропожаловатьна The Last of Us Wiki Даннаявики—источникинформацииповселенной «The Last of Us» —эксклюзивудля PlayStation 3и PlayStation 4отстудии Naughty Dog.ЗдесьВысмо...
Ellie Williams[5] is the central character of The Last of Us series.[fn 1] She serves as the protagonist of The Last of Us: American Dreams, the playable deuteragonist of The Last of Us Part I, the playable protagonist of The Last of Us: Left Behind, the
The rat king is the name given to this infected introduced in The Last of Us Part II. It is a super-organism composed of multiple stalkers, clickers, and a bloater that have been connected together by the Cordyceps fungus.[1] The rat king possesses incre
Woods is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1] Woods lived in Seattle. After the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak, he grew discontented living under FEDRA's control in the quarantine zone and decided to join the Washington Liberation Fron
Firefly pendants are one of the four categories of collectibles that can be found scattered throughout the single-player campaign in The Last of Us. They belong to members of a militia group called the Fireflies. There are a total of 31 Firefly Pendants.
Shiyao Jiang is the name of a real-life person who was one of the winners of theThe Last of UsFirefly Pendant Contests, where he got his name on a pendant in the game.[2] References ↑1.01.1"The Outskirts" ↑Monacelli, Eric (May 3, 2013)."The Last of Us Firefly Pendant Winners ...
Tools are levels determined by toolboxes collected in The Last of Us. They are required to upgrade certain weapons at workbenches, in order to make them more efficient and powerful. Tools are not consumed when used; instead they contribute to a "Tool Lev
← Previous Next → —— Location At the end of a hallway in the science building, there will be ashiv door. Inside the classroom, this manual will be found on one of the desks. show v·d·e CollectiblesinThe Last of Us Part I...
The Last of Us Wiki 1,199 pages Explore The World Main series HBO series Community Talk: Switchblade Back to pageSign in to edit After you beat the game a switchblade appears in the window on the main menu. Maybe add that to trivia?