Toad is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise, a longtime protector of the Mushroom Kingdom, and a loyal and cheerful friend to much of the cast. Toad often plays the role of representing his species, be it as as a main character or a...
Magikoopas are bespectacled Koopas that can cast spells. Magikoopas made their debut in Super Mario World. They wear blue robes and hats resembling the garb of a wizard. They are generally considered to be high-ranking members of Bowser's Minions,...
Made this last night, it is really great. My only wish is that it hardened up a bit more — it can’t seem to sit out of the fridge for long without going sticky and gooey in your hands. Nonetheless, it’s going to be our teacher gift treat this year as it is mighty tasty. —...
So again, the task today is to discuss the integration of therapies into nonmetastatic urothelial bladder cancer. And I used to tell my fellows that, frankly speaking, there wasn’t a big role for us as medical oncologists in the nonmuscle-invasive disease space, that was really the urologi...
Paul Castellano; head of Gambino Mob; secret owner of S & A Concrete; Fat Tony Salerno; head of Genovese Mob; secret owner of S & A Concrete; S & A Concrete; Mob-front concrete company, run by Nick Auletta; built Trump Tower and Trump Plaza; Willie Tomasello; Fred Trump’s partner ...
yt.innertube::nextIdRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Maximum Storage Duration: PersistentType: HTML Local Storage ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Maximum Storage Duration:...
yt.innertube::nextIdRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Maximum Storage Duration: PersistentType: HTML Local Storage ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYStores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video Maximum Storage Duration:...
Moreover, the removal of fragments deriving from repetitive regions of the genome using the UMI’s bioinformatics pipeline increased the genotypability along all the target regions. These results showed higher genotypability of the exome (more than 1%) respect to previously reported WES analyses on...
In this sense, early life stress (i.e., child abuse) is one of the most important environmental factors related to the development of MDD, leading to determinant changes in the brain structure and function [10]. Similarly, chronic stress and frequent episodes of acute stress are also related...