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The focus of our work has been to investigate the impact of high concentration oceanic salt input on coastal blanket bogs at the sub-kilometre scale. We attribute the conductivity gradient to the morphology of the site, because it allows oceanic salt deposition from both direct (inundation) and...
A Whig interpretation of British India is offered in some of the editing of the English East India Company volumes, a suggestion that we should see the early voyages as laying the foundations of later British rule over the sub-continent. But the same editors can be read against the grain ...
In this context, I examine a specific moment in the exchange of architectural knowledge between eastern India, the island of Java, and Tibet in the last decades of the 8th century CE. By comparing three Buddhist monastery complexes—Paharpur in northern Bangladesh, Candi Sewu in Central Java,...
Each of the conformations was explicitly solvated by using the TIP3P water potential inside an orthorhombic box of water molecules with a minimum solute-wall distance of 8 Å. Based on the previous experimental studies, the folded structure of the 35-residue subdomain of the villin headpiece (...
Given the variable climate and controls on the δ18O of precipitation (δ18Op) across this broad region, we have divided our discussion to focus on three sub-regions: western North America (>32 ◦N, < –94 ◦E, from Texas westward), eastern North America (> 30 ◦N, > –94 ...