They’re among the most prominent developers in gaming, and while the Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter and Uncharted series helped define generations, 2013’s The Last of Us proved to be the PlayStation 3’s swan song and showed that they were capable of more than bright and light-hearted ...
原文写于2020年11月。 在敲下这行字的时候,The Last of US part.II在metacritic上的用户评分定格在了5.7,这当然比发售之初2.8的惨烈好看了一点,但依照时不时就把“以玩家为中心”挂在嘴边的大法惯性,这一个故事,大概率是不会有续集了。更甚一步,因着神海的完结和Ellie故事结束,整个顽皮狗都可能被拆掉和Ice T...
The Last of Us Part II Remastered is not a remaster at all. At best it has some new features that should have been free. No Return roguelike game mode is lackluster and there is no point in playing it. TLOU combat was complementing the story, and it did so very well – unlike No ...
Not everyone is going to enjoy the motives of The Last of Us Part II. But if you try and manage to accept the subliminal and not so subtle messages as a fact that the world has gone awry and that people have the need to have somewhere or someone to belong to as their own way out...
Finished The Last of Us Part II and started Survival+. Blew me away! The editing in this game is beyond impressive. It reminds me of the editing in Pulp Fiction, which took some people time to get used to. Now, this kind of editing is common in cinema, but to have it in a game...
An eye for an eye - The Last of Us: Part II is a tale of obsession, and developer Naughty Dog clearly knows a thing or two about that. This is a painstakingl...
The Last of Us Part II reviews are now available, and claim the PS4 exclusive from first-party PlayStation Studios developer Naughty Dog is a “must-play.” Recommended Videos The game is currently scored 96 on Metacritic, which has awarded it the “must-play” label delivered to the unmis...
A year after the game's release discussion was "quieter" with Kotaku's MacLeod writing that Metacritic's opaque system, which emphasizes scores over critique, comprised only "a bunch of meaningless numbers and a lot of rage". The Last of Us Part II was banned in Saudi Arabia for the ...
I may have only played three hours of this 25 hour game, but I’m going to have to make a stand and put a 0 user score on Metacritic. That’ll show them. I’m going to let them know that I know I’m losing the culture war I invented in my head and I’m having a proper ...