The Last Hope, Unskippable 014 - X-Blades, Unskippable 015 - Radiata Stories, Unskippable 016 - Quantum of Solace, Unskippable 017 - Infinite Undiscovery, Unskippable 018 - Ace Combat 6, Unskippable 019 - Far Cry 2, Unskippable 020 - Lost Odyssey, Unskippable 021 - Alone in the Dark, Unski...
ТессиДжоэл, глава «Окраины». Сообщества-партнеры История The Last of Us Wiki Вики-друзья Категории: Обзор Языки Advertisement
The Last of Us subreddit Factions subreddit Uncharted Wiki Bandipedia, the Crash Bandicoot Wiki Jak and Daxter Wiki in: The Last of Us Part I characters, The Last of Us Part II characters, The Last of Us Part II enemies, and 3 more The Last of Us Part II playable character...
Misha is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II. They were a Washington Liberation Front (WLF) soldier in Seattle, serving as a sniper in the war against the Seraphites.[1] Misha served as a sniper in the WLF. They regularly rotated their snipin
Andrew is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1] Andrew was born to an unnamed male survivor and was a brother to Logan and Ori. Sometime after the outbreak of the Cordyceps brain infection, Andrew and his family made their way to Santa Barb
Steven is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II.[1] Steven was a resident of Seattle, Washington. He worked as the superior to Doctor Kayla Higashi at Lakehill Seattle Hospital. During the early days of the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak, S
Rewolwer jest jedną z broni występujących w grze The Last of Us oraz The Last of Us Part II. Należy do grupy broni krótkich. Rewolwer ma większy odrzut niż Pistolet 9mm, ale równocześnie zadaje większe obrażenia od niego. Zos
The Last of Us Part II At some point after the, Sandra joined theWashington Liberation FrontinSeattle. She believed their methods to gain better living conditions in theFEDRA-controlledquarantine zonewould work, if perceived as aggressive. Despite her allegiance to the WLF, she was a friend ofBe...
Marcus is a character mentioned in The Last of Us Part II. He is a member of the Seraphites and supported the Prophet.[1] At some point before 2038, Marcus joined the Seraphites and lived on the island a short boat ride from Seattle. He rose to a high en
Kieran is a minor character in The Last of Us Part II.[1] At some point after the Cordyceps brain infection outbreak, Kieran joined FEDRA and supported the United States military in their war against the Washington Liberation Front in Seattle. However, K