Bokura ga Ita 2006 2,846 votes Bokura ga Ita follows the story of Nanami Takahashi, a high school girl who falls for the charming yet complex Yano Motoharu. As their relationship develops, they must navigate the challenges of trust and the impact of Yano's past experiences on their budding...
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Friaul-Julisch Venetien(ITA)To the stage From the glacier to the sea Explore all stages! Alpe-Adria-Trail Booking Center From the Grossglockner to Muggia - Welcome on the Alpe Adria Trail The Alpe-Adria-Trail connects the three regions of Carinthia, Slovenia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia in ...
Mirroring the lineage preoccupations of Inner Asian scholastics, the history of Buddhist Inner Asia has often been organized by the names and biographies of major authors set into lineal relationship with one another. Padmasambhava. Yéshé Tsogyel. Milarepa. Sakya Paṇḍita. Whichsoever Karmapa...
Arithmetic books, more often than not written by arithmetic teachers, constitute a specific genre within the corpus of mathematics books. The content of these books is quite stereotypical, not only within the Netherlands but across the Western European t
Forita Dyah Arianti 10 and Andi Yulyani Fadwiwati 61 Research Center for Food Crop, National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia 2 Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere, National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia 3 Research Center for Limnology and...
A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of being part of a discussion about mermaids on Australia’s ABC Radio Network. Joining me on the programme was storyteller Kate Forsyth and Burarra woman Jess Phillips. The broadcast can be heard below and is also available to download here. The ...
The test-base data set consisted of library- and sequencing-level replicates for three distinct platforms: hybridization-capture-based Illumina sequencing (ILH, up to 1000×) and amplicon-based Illumina and Ion Torrent sequencing (ILA and ITA, respectively, up to 10,000×) (see Methods). The...
The Last Castle《最后的城堡(2001)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx 原文免费试下载 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 拿城hearts;堡hearts;来说随便哪种城hearts;堡hearts; Takealookatacastle,anycastle. 想想看城hearts;堡hearts;的基本构造 Now,breakdownthekeyelementsthatmakeitacastle. 千年来...
(last year of availability of cause-specific mortality data), in the resident population of theRed areawe observed 51,621 deaths vs. 47,731 expected (age- and sex-SMR: 108; 90% CI: 107–109). We found evidence of raised mortality from cardiovascular disease (in particular, heart diseases...