最后生还者第一季第四集我们每小时都得这么搞一次吗We have to do this every hour汽油放久了会分解Gas breaks down over time.这玩意基本上已经变成水了This stuffs almost wa
You've got to get this girl to Tommy's.He used to run with this crew.He'll know where to...
你hearts;爸hearts;是个悲观主义者 Your dads kind of a pessimist. -我不是她爸 -他不是我爸 - Hes not my dad. - Im not her dad. 手电筒往前照 Just point your light forward, 做好逃跑的准备 and be ready to run. 不行 No. (球门) 我听说过这种地方 I heard about places like this. 有...
You thought if you left Jade and I alone to get comfortable, we'd get a little loose, a little frisky, and then you could just slide right in and the three of us would fuck the night away.frisky:欢腾的。形容人或动物v. the night away:既然“fuck the night away”是整夜大干一场的意思...
RELATED:Anime You Should Watch If You Like The Last Of Us Use Fire Nothing is going to hit the bloater as hard as some fire. If you have a Molotov, throw what you have. If you run out, find a safe spot (just for a moment) to craft more and throw those. If you’re later in...
Without Ellie saying it, she’s remembering the last time she was at that mall and how she’...
fight against zombies by taking control of a teenager girl character aged 14 and try to get rid of the disease. It was going to be a suspenseful ride with fast-paced beasts an emotional tale and excitement. How to play The Last of Us : Run game with turkish language and install as ...
学生基本都能推断出 David 参加了比赛,但是很多学生没有关注到原文的“he always finished his run long after the other children”,在续写的结尾时设计的情节是 David 获得了第一名。 今年是山东省新高考的第四年,读后续写考查的深度...
还要多久 How much longer? 徒步五小时 Five-hour hike. 可以应付 We can manage that. 你经常走这条路吗 Youve gone this way a lot? 没有感染者吗 -No Infected? 不常走 没有 -Not often, no. 你在留意什么 What are you looking out for? 人 People. 比尔和弗兰克人好吗 -Are Bill and Frank...