I’m going to be talking about the ending and little else, so don’t go near the rest of this article if you haven’t seen the credits roll. There was a point during the climatic moments of The Last of Us 2 where my hands were actually shaking. I was literally shook, ...
部分翻译:在主游戏中Ellie没有浪漫关系。(我想这个应该能回答the last of us底下另一个知乎用户提的问...
The Last of Us 2 - ENDING... - Part 8: Directed by Felix Kjellberg. With Felix Kjellberg. Felix plays the game for 3 more hours in hopes of wrapping it up with a satisfying conclusion.
Spoilers ahead! Naughty Dog feels the current ending is truer to Ellie's character, but it was initially a lot more grim.
The Last of Us Part II is a continuation of The Last of Us universe and a direct sequel to the original title. It takes place five years after the events of The Last of Us and sees players taking control of two characters, Ellie and Abby. Players will be
关于最后生还者2,差评最多的,争议最大的地方无非是乔尔的死和艾莉放走了艾比,不得不让我打抱不平。对于剧情,我思考很多次,尝试着找一个说服自己的理由,但始终觉得唐突的,是帮欧文报仇的艾比放过了艾莉,但这里先不提。 人之身死,或轻于鸿毛或重于泰山,但现实中人往往不能选择自己的死法,更何况是末世中的战...
The Last of Us 2 new game plus mode allows you to carry over unlocked weapons and abilities into a new campaign with harder challenges and rules
她们分别的结局是Good Ending吗?很遗憾,很多人的评论里,答案是:圣母、双标、编剧头被高尔夫打爆了瞎编。说实话我还真不确定编剧是不是瞎编(万一真是,我也没办法),但这里确可有更好的解读。这部游戏讲述的主题是复仇和宽恕,构建了一个古典的悲剧故事,两名主角因为复仇的责任而纠缠,她们谁都有正当理由,杀死对方...
See how Ellie and Joel's story unfolds whenThe Last of Usseason one airs Sundays at 9 p.m. EST on HBO. To find out the fate of more of your favorite shows, keep reading… PHIL CARUSO/HBO Ending:The Flight Attendant StarKaley Cuococonfirmed the HBO show will not be getting a...
In an exclusive interview with Vanity Fair, She also expressed her feelings over ending the first season of The Last of Us. “You basically create a whole new, separate life. You’re living in a place for a year with the same people, so it was weird,” she started. “I was completel...