doi:10.1515/9783110359459.345Tamsin ShawShaw T (2014) The "Last Man" problem: Nietzsche and Weber on political attitudes to suffering. In: Knoll M and Stocker B (eds) Nietzsche as Political Philosopher. Berlin and Boston, MA: Walter de Gruyter, pp.345-380....
The Second Coming 2024年是尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844–1900)诞辰180周年。这位哲学巨匠以犀利的思考挑战传统,倡导个体的力量与创造力,深刻地影响了20世纪的文化与思想。爱尔兰诗人叶芝(William Butler Yeats, 1865–1939),深受尼采思想的影响,...
这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 文笔表述很清晰,逻辑也很严密,并不能说福山是在盲目吹捧自由民主,他也给出了他的逻辑框架内合理的推导过程,旁征博引,尤其喜欢讨论黑格尔的自由主义和尼采对自由主义的批判,还是很有意思的,值得一读。但读完我觉得,他陷在了他给自己设定的思维框架内,有一种先有结论后推理,自己树靶子...
Nietzsche 1844-1900 剩下的问题就是,自游民煮政体所产生的”认同“能够”完全令人满意“吗?对此,左翼会说资本主义所必然产生之不平等仍难以满足人的自尊需要,但显然,作者对此不以为然。福山更在意的右翼的质疑,即对大革命所产生的那种平等的质疑。尼采认为,它不是人的”自治“(self-mastery),而是”奴隶的胜利与...
but I didn't. In the countless hours of these long nights when the dawn has not come, I think of Nietzsche's words: "Know why you suffer, so that you can bear all suffering." That night, I told myself that I was suffering for the music, for the ambition I had set at the age...
Define excellent. excellent synonyms, excellent pronunciation, excellent translation, English dictionary definition of excellent. adj. 1. Of the highest or finest quality; exceptionally good for its kind: enjoyed an excellent meal at the restaurant. 2. A
but I didn't. In the countless hours of these long nights when the dawn has not come, I think of Nietzsche's words: "Know why you suffer, so that you can bear all suffering." That night, I told myself that I was suffering for the music, for the ambition I had set at the age...
弗雷德里希·尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)因为这种“永恒循环”的幻觉而发了疯。这真是再愚蠢不过,但在哲学家中间确实能看到这种事。 历史一再重演,但只是在大的方面与大的事件上是这样的。我们也许可以合理地推测,在未来,就像在过去那样...
First and Last Things - H. G. WellsFountain of Life, The - Solomon Ibn GabirolFragments of the Lost Writings of Proclus - Thomas TaylorFundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals - Immanuel KantGenealogy of Morals, The - Friedrich Nietzsche...
"STANDS4is an Internet veteran – it was founded in 2001 – and has flown under the venture capital radar as it’s been entirely bootstrapped. But users love it; the site gets more than five million hits every month.STANDS4has won a number of awards over the last decade – most recentl...