The Last Lesson最后一课 I was very late that morning on my way to school and was afraid of being scolded. The master had told us he would question us on verbs, and I did not know a thing about them, for I had not done my lesson. For a moment I thought of playing truant(逃学)...
高中生经典英文小说阅读与欣赏系列TheLastLesson.pdf,The Last Lesson The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet by Alphonse Daudet I started for school very late that morning and was in great dread of a scolding, I started for school very late that morning and was
The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet I started for school very late that morning and was in great dread of a scolding, especially because M. Hamel had said that he would question us on participles, and I did not know the first word about them. For a moment I thought of running away and...
for oil here. 2[ + obj ] 2 a :to teach or train(someone) by repeating a lesson or exercise again and again We drilled the childrenon their multiplication tables. The players were drilled in practice.2 b :to train (soldiers)by making them practice military procedures and exercises The co...
今天的英语悦读时间,小简老师要和大家分享一篇课文《The Last Lesson》(最后一课),一起走进美好的阅读世界吧! 悦读时间: The Last Lesson ---Alphonse Daudet I was very late that morning on my way to school and was afraid of being scolded. The master had told us he would question us on verbs,...
高中英语 双语美文阅读 最后一课 The Last Lesson素材 .pdf,word The Last Lesson Alphonse Daudet I was very late that morning on my way to school and was afraid of being scolded. The master had told us he would question us on verbs, and I did not know a thin
He put on his beautiful gown in memory of the last lesson! Now I see why the old people in the town are sitting in the classroom. It seemed to me that they regretted not having come to school so often. In this way they thanked our teacher for 40 years of his loyal service to show...
THE LAST LESSON Alphonse Daudet I was very late that morning on my way to school and was afraid of being scolded. The master had told us he would question us on verbs, and I did not know a thing about them, for I had not studied my lesson. For a moment I thought of playing ...
人教版最后一课中英对照(ThelastlessonintheEnglish Edition) Iforgottogivehimmypunishment,forgetmynextruler. Poorman! Heputonhisbeautifulgowninmemoryofthelastlesson!Now Iseewhytheoldpeopleinthetownaresittingintheclassroom. Itseemedtomethattheyregrettednothavingcometoschool ...