充分展现了他“意料之外、情理之中”的高超技巧,小说的最后一句是——darling, it’s Behrman’s masterpiece—he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.Behrman画了最后一片叶子,但全文完全没有提到他是如何画的。这是欧·亨利留白的艺术,让这个垂死的老人在风雪夜完成人生最后一个作品的过程,完...
1最后一片叶子thelastleaf赏析摘要美国著名短篇小说家欧亨利最后一片叶子描写了一个已经濒于死亡的贫穷女画家乔安西因为一片永不凋落的常春藤叶而恢复健康的离奇故事塑造了一个命运不济但品德高尚的老画家贝尔门的形象歌颂了他舍己为人的崇高精神从而唱出了一曲生命与希望的赞歌歌颂了人性的美与善 最后一片叶子The-...
第一篇:欧亨利最后一片叶子Behrman英文评论论文 the last leaf Behrman in The Last Leaf ---from O.Henry洪剑 201001401103 旅游管理 040 When a dying lady was looking out the ivy vine1 through the window, whose leaves were falling , she desperately thought “if the last falls, I must go”2....
These "places" make strange angles and curves. 这些“胡同”稀奇古怪地拐着弯子。 One Street crosses itself a time or two. 一条街有时自己本身就交叉了不止一次。 An artist once discovered a valuable possibility in this street. 有一回一个画家发现这条街有一种优越性: Suppose a collector with a...
内容提示: Behrman in The Last Leaf ---from O.Henry 洪剑 201001401103 旅游管理 040 When a dying lady was looking out the ivy vine 1 through the window, whose leaves were falling , she desperately thought “if the last falls, I must go” 2 . The old painter sacrificed his life to pain...
休(苏迪)和琼希(乔安娜),两个来自不同地方的人,在饭店的和餐上相遇,彼此十分投合,于是共建了画室。 后来琼希得了肺炎,情况不乐观,而且也认为自己活不久了,特别是在看到院子里...
The Last Leaf Has Fallen.(Book review)Winter, F. David
《The Last Leaf》 《最后一片叶子》 O.Henry(RealName:William Sydney Porter)(1862~1910) "Johnsy, dear," said Sue, bending over her, "will you promise me to keep your eyes closed, and not look out the window until I am done working?
Last week I finished a novel called “THE LAST LEAF” ,a very famous piece of O’Henry, which was an impressing story about a Johnsy who was dying of Pneumoniac and the miracle of her recovery,thanks to Behrman's masterpiece---a leaf that will never fall.It was in late November when...
The Last Leaf中人物关系简单明了,Johnsy(主人公), Sue(Johnsy的partner), Behrman(住在Sue楼下不得志的画家) 。O.Henry对于Behrman的描写,给我们呈现了一位邋遢,颓废,自以为是,壮志难酬的老画家,甚至只能给年轻的艺术家们充当模特来换取微薄的收入。这样一位小老头却总想创作出’masterpiece’,当然终其一生,他...