回复:【Mod介绍】最后的王国 The Last Kingdom 只看楼主收藏回复 异常森罗 圣殿卫队 11 正是因为地理等方面的原因,在对不列颠岛的渗透上,原本挪威相对而言进度落后(因为去了爱尔兰,然后皮克特人又太能打),对东挪威的传统雅尔们来说就更是如此。但可以肯定地说,在诺曼底公爵威廉冲到英格兰之前,挪威算是取得了一...
我帮撒克逊人击败了丹麦人 I helped the Saxons defeat the Danes. 克努特被杀 但我让布瑞达 面临着可怕的命运 Cnut was killed, but I left Brida to a terrible fate. 送我去瓦尔哈拉殿堂吧 Send me to Valhalla. 带走这个异教♥徒♥贱♥人♥ Take the pagan bitch! 布瑞达 ...
Cnutwaskilled,butIleftBridatoaterriblefate. 送我去瓦尔哈拉殿堂吧 SendmetoValhalla. 带走这个异教♥徒♥贱♥人♥ Takethepaganbitch! 布瑞达 Brida! 埃塞尔雷德倒地将死伊盖尔斯堡出现新的危机 AsAethelredlaydying,newdangersaroseinAegelesburg.
The Last Kingdom《孤国春秋(2015)》第四季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我是乌特雷德之子乌特雷德 I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred. 我继承贝班堡的权利 被我叔父埃尔弗里克残忍hearts;夺去 My birthright Bebbanburg was cruelly taken by my Uncle Aelfric. 你们是伟大的
The Last Kingdom《孤国春秋(2015)》第四季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我是乌特雷德之子乌特雷德 I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred. 我攻下贝班堡 My lifelong ambition 夺回继承权的毕生梦想以失败告终 to take back my birthright to Bebbanburg has ended in failure.
Cnut (Magnus Bruun) and Steapa (Adrian Bouchet) also lost their lives. Alexander Dreymon, of course, is back, because there's no Last Kingdom without him. Chatting to Backstage about the most challenging aspect of playing this character, he said: "I think the biggest challenge is to kee...
The Last Kingdom《孤国春秋(2015)》第三季第五集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 我是乌特雷德之子乌特雷德 IamUhtred,sonofUhtred. 我攻下贝班堡 Mylifelongambition 夺回继承权的毕生梦想以失败告终 totakebackmybirthrighttoBebbanburghasendedinfailure.
He is at peace. 痛失至亲令我始终无法接受 While I struggle to come to terms with this devastating loss, 海斯顿吐露了拉格纳真正的死因 Haesten has revealed the true cause of Ragnar's death. 让我活下来 我告诉你是谁下的命令 Let me live and I'll tell you who ... ...
“The Last Kingdom” Season 5: Release Date Well, it will be somewhat disappointing to know that there is no official announcement confirmation for the renewal of the season. Still, the fifth season of the series will surely be going to happen. Looking at the current scenario of the Coronav...
The Last Kingdom 心得感想 我覺得叫最後的王國還是比孤國春秋貼題一些,但也許當初想起中化一點的名字那位仁兄引多些中文使用者觀看吧