immortalise vb(tr) give everlasting fame to, as by treating in a literary work:Macbeth was immortalized by Shakespeare. give immortality to 3.(Biology)biologyto cause (cells) to reproduce indefinitely imˌmortaliˈzation,imˌmortaliˈsationn ...
We believe that Wikipedia’s problems, as outlined above, intensify the need for medievalists to engage as critics, editors, and teachers. For over a decade, scholars have advocated for the careful use of Wikipedia (Mueller2010; Carver et al.2012; Ford and Geiger2012; Sheppard2019), identifyi...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook immorality Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia im·mor·al·i·ty (ĭm′ô-răl′ĭ-tē, ĭm′ə-)·mor·al·i·ties 1.The quality or condition of being immoral. 2.An immoral act or practice. ...
While it remains to be seen who will be cast as Castor and Pollux, two likely candidates are Putin and Trump. And if that turns out to be the case, we must ask ourselves which one is playing themortal Castorand which one is playing theimmortal Pollux. In other words, will Trump die ...
ButWoWhas also been a foundational aspect of my gaming over the last 20 years and is likely to remain so for some time. And, of course, I made sure to log in to get the achievement. Been there, done that, you know the drill ...
Last seen I Was Feeling Epic (TVD) A Streetcar Named Desire (TO) “ I can't atone for my mistakes if I keep making them. I love her. I don't wanna drag her down with me. ” — Stefan about atonement in It's Been a Hell of a Ride Stefan...
In Mega Man X2, X roots out the remnants of Sigma's army, facing the three X-Hunters who serve Sigma and threaten to rebuild Zero as an evil Maverick. By the end of this game, Sigma's true form is revealed to be a nigh-immortal computer virus, while Zero is resurrected but his ...
Wikipedia:Elasticity (cloud computing) Microsoft:Portal Health Entry Page Microsoft:Planning your portal launch roll-out plan in SharePoint Online Site:About CliffsNotes Microsoft:Launch your portal using the SharePoint Portal launch scheduler Microsoft:Create a communication site in SharePoint ...
[59] Romeo and Juliet fight time to make their love last forever. In the end, the only way they seem to defeat time is through a death that makes them immortal through art.[65] Time is also connected to the theme of light and dark. In Shakespeare's day, plays were most often ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. ev·er·last·ing (ĕv′ər-lăs′tĭng) adj. 1. Lasting forever; eternal. 2. a. Continuing indefinitely or for a long period of time. b. Persisting too long; tedious: everlasting complaints. n. 1. Everlasting God. Used with ...