Just when we thought summer would pass by without a blockbuster movie, we get a thrilling, action-packed treat in The Old Guard. Four immortal warriors, led by the ancient and badass Andy (Charlize Theron), have been helping humanity for centuries. When their secret is exposed to a ruthles...
THE LAST IMMORTAL Soundtrack by Andreas Widegren R i v e r s M c K i n l e y d e v e l o p s a d r u g h o p i n g t o c u r e h i s a i l i n g w i f e , o n l y t o d i s c
The film follows Mina (Ahn Seo-hyun), the granddaughter of a farmer in South Korea who has spent the last 10 years rearing a genetically modified super-pig called Okja as part of a breeding project spearheaded by a grim U.S. corporation. This movie is dark in places, magical in others...
Sometimes, schlock is king on Netflix. If we've learned anything over the years, even the shoddiest low-budget action flick can become one of the most popular movies on Netflix. Last week it was American Renegades, and this week it's Aftermath. But somehow we suspect this won't have ...
Iain Morris and Damon Beesley's film sent the gang – in true TV-to-movie leap form – on holiday, their last big blow-out before university and working life beckons. The result is a lot like the series itself – brash and crass on the surface (the word 'clunge' appears regularly),...
RM's last and least It was Russ Meyer who pretty much launched the new Sexploitation industry in 1959 when he made THE IMMORTAL MR. TEAS, the first nudie-cutie which grossed one-million dollars and spawned a new breed of adults-only movies throughout the early-60's. Nudie-cuties and nu...
Seasons one through four include one of the best TV romances ever between the immortal Doctor (a Byronic alien Time Lord) and Rose, a young human who brings out the best in him – a bit Jane Eyre/Beauty and the Beast-like if you ask me. Together they travel through time (including to...
“Do-do do-do, do-do, do-do…”No, we haven’t fallen asleep on our keyboard, we’re just reciting the immortal intro music toThe Twilight Zone— obviously! Such is the impact of Rod Serling's series, which gathered some of the best speculative writers and stories of the time, that...
Diane Keaton’s Annie Hall, all adorable thrift-shop charm and enchanting ditherer, became an immortal screen heroine of the ’70s, and Allen pushed the neurotic narcissism of “the Woody Allen character” to such a pesky, honest extreme that he seemed, at least for that cultural moment, to...
Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Thewood elves. Female bosmer are as tall as Imperials, while the males arenearly a full head-height shorter. Male Golden Saints and Dark Seducers are the same height as Imperials, whereas the females are as tall as Altmer and Dremora, which are the tallest races (...