BBC Horizon 2016 The ImmortalistPosted by Shailesh Prasad in life extensionMar 302016 Watch the video «BBC Horizon 2016 The Immortalist» uploaded by John Richards on Dailymotion.Read more Want to live forever? Ray Kurzweil thinks that may be possible very soon Posted by Sean Brazell in ...
"> Grzcbeny Vyyhzvangv farnxl uvtu svir! Wow, I tried googling that last sentence just for fun. It had 1 hit, this post in this thread (This was 10 minutes after it was posted). Damn google, you're fast :P OTT:312:34|#p3326306 "I, BuffyGirl, have seen many proposals for ...
Such a terrific film, I watched it and waited with baited breath for those immortal words!! (This also meant that David was mentioned at the opening ceremony of the London Olympics which was a totally amazing surprise!). David is always there in my heart in my busy life, my stressful jo...
Rather, I am not a Jew because I have turned my back on the filthy, corrupt, Christ-hating Jewish death system and turned my life and my immortal soul over to the True Messiah of not only the Jews but of all mankind, the Lord Jesus Christ. As St. Paul so eloquently wrote: “There...
(last updated Jun 8, 2015 6:44pm CDT) OK what has the "ILL-Gotten Gains: Part 1 DLC" changed? OK what has "The Heists DLC" changed?