Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir introduces magical charms and great chemistry, winning the hearts of audiences everywhere. The story of two teenagers wearing enchanted accessories to protect their city from evil, exhibits delightful humor and teamwork, making it an endearing...
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, also known as Miraculous, follows the lives of Marinette and Adrien, two seemingly normal teenagers who are secretly superheroes. Each episode consists of a new villain that they must stop from wrecking havoc on their home city of Pari...
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir Cristina Valenzuela, Bryce Papenbrook, Mela Lee 12 votes Seemingly normal students Marinette and Adrien are chosen to save Paris from evil. Premiered: October 19, 2015 Also ranks #3 on The Best Superhero Shows For Kids and Tweens Also ranks #4 on ...
Action: TheMiraculous LadybugPlastic Special In June 2023, a special 22-minute episode of Miraculous will release as part of a partnership between the Bretau Foundation and Netflix that seeks to educate on the harmful impact plastic has on the environment. Originally announced in early...
123 Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir 124 Mob Psycho 100 125 Monster High 126 Monsters vs. Aliens 127 The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show 128 Muppet Babies 129 My Life as a Teenage Robot 130 Ned's Newt 131 New Looney Tunes 132 No Game No Life 133 The Nutshack 134 Nyaruko: Crawlin...
Finishing “The Lion Guard” had nothing to do with the death of Russi Taylor. Right? I miss this show so much! These are my favourite shows: 1) Miraculous Ladybug 2) Elena of Avalor 3) The Lion Guard The last two already ended, it seems that I have only got my favourite series ...
One of my most favourite animated series is ‘Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Catnoir’. In a nutshell, the animated series tells the story of two Parisian teenagers, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and Adrien Agreste, who with the help of‘Kwamis’ (supernatural beings) wielded in magical jewels ...
Episode 1: Evolution (aired on June 13, 2022) Episode 2: Multiplication (aired on June 20, 2022) Besides, season 5 of Miraculous Ladybug will be on Disney Channel in the fourth quarter of this year, October – December of 2022. After being on Disney Channel, you can watch the series ...
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir(2015) Spike Spencer Takuma Ichijo (voice) (version: English) Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone(2007) Steve Staley Senri Shiki (voice) (version: English) Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children(2005) ...
1/10 Arich Sofia the first is the most coward show I've ever seen! This is so lame than miraculous ladybug! Rip off! I will never watch this show! Forever! Helpful•3 18 margaritosiblag May 2, 2021 Permalink 10/10 A Must For Disney Princess Fans, Adults and Kids Alike! I was...