In my opinion this movie is good, but not great. I saw it years ago - but forgot I'd seen it. Now, on DVD re watching it - I decided to review it. I think it's a good movie. It is a beautiful movie. But it simply is not great now. Regarding the time it was made ('86...
Bernardo Bertolucci’sThe Last Emperoris the story of Pu Yi, the last imperial ruler of China, crowned at the age of three, sheltered inside the Forbidden City through a constant wave of revolts and violent takeovers before becoming in turns an exile, despot, and gardener who treaded lightly...
The Last Emperor by Judicator The shot of immediacy that the rhythm section injects into this particular outing practically never ceases; the drum performances, when isolated, could trick most into believing that The Last Emperor is a straight thrash release, and the frantic, persistent tremolo...
Alfredo’s review published on Letterboxd: 《末代皇帝》The Last Emperor (1987)導演:Bernardo Bertolucci 沒看過幾部貝托魯奇的作品,沒法從作者面向來分析,這部片明顯以西方人視角來拍中國歷史,片中人滿口英文一開始確實有點讓人不適,片中文化人情和歷史考據的呈現也讓人頗擔心,不過看下來卻沒感受到太大的問題...
版权声明:转载时请以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明 Last Emperor (1987)继续看奥斯卡获奖影片。本片获得第60届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片。片如其名,电影讲述了爱新觉罗·溥仪的生活。不过是片断式的,只截取了它生活中几个关键的生活阶段。故事开始于溥仪...
Valentino: The Last Emperor, directed by Matt Tyrnauer, is a feature-length movie that takes the viewer inside the singular world of one of Italy’s most famous designers, Valentino Garavani. The film documents the colorful and dramatic closing act of Va
The Last Emperor 涅瓦纳 评论末代皇帝 2012-07-05 21:29:26 溥仪(尊龙 饰)的一生在电影中娓娓道来。他从三岁起登基,年幼的眼光中只有大臣身上的一只蝈蝈,江山在他心中只是一个不明所以的名词。长大了,他以为可以变革,却被太监一把烧了朝廷账本。他以为是大清江山的主人,却做了日本人的傀儡。解放后,他...
On paper, there is so much that could have gone wrong with “The Last Emperor”, a Hollywood-friendly story about Chinese history by Western filmmakers, starring many Chinese American actors and shot almost entirely in English. How could such a film avoid falling for Orientalist stereotypes, exo...
(John Lone). He, however, is no ordinary collaborator. He is the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, still recognized by others.The Last Emperorgoes back and forth between his imprisonment and interrogation by fierce The Interrogator (Ric Young) and the more moderate Prison Governor (Ying Ruo...
I am sorry to say that The Criterion 4k is the same as the Arrow 4k, which means the best version of this film is this "The Last Emperor 4K Remaster Edition...