《魔戒:最后之日(The Last Days of the Third Age)》是一款以托尔金的奇幻小说《指环王》为背景的战团模组,是从原版移植到战团的老模组,期间接手人员不断更换历经波折,但这模组始终没有被人遗忘抛弃。游戏舞台设定在第三纪元的中土大陆,正义与邪恶间的大战再次爆发之时。玩家将扮演一名士兵,带领自己的队伍在正面...
MOD作者:TLD制作组更新日志汉化:Bombadil◆MOD名称魔戒:最后之日[The Last Days of the Third Age◆MOD简介《魔戒:最后之日》是基于《骑马与砍杀:战团》制作的一款非常经典的优质剧本MOD。游戏将舞台设定在第三纪元的中土大陆,正义与邪恶间的大战再次爆发之时。玩家将
2. 在大地图SAVE时要先停下 3. 坏档后到我的文件Mount&Blade Warband Savegames, 把last_savegame_backup.sav改名sg0*.sav, *為数字, 要取代第一个SAVE就是sg00, 第二就是sg01, 如此类推 各汽油的TIPS 1. 睡觉防坏档法,http://bbs.mountblade.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=236984 2. 避免...
The Last Days of the Third Age MOD 第三个时代的最后一天
本视频起到通知导航作用 汉化补丁以内工具制作 https://b23.tv/eYvAqbC 整合包介绍【】 整合包下载地址:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-7 汉化补丁下载【请在分享站中搜索本整合包】 ningnana.top pcl2启动器下载链接https://afdian.net/p/0164034c016c11ebafcb52540025c377 ...
【资源】The La..玩官方游戏玩不爽的孩纸有福了,虽然这个游戏可能有很多Ringer玩过,但我还是想分享一下这是个基于 骑马与砍杀1.011 的mod,模型做的很不错,特色是玩家可以带领千军万马参与战争(实际上只有百把人
The Last Days of The Long Dark, and the Road Ahead 《漫漫长夜》正式版发行前的那些日子以及未来的路 Hello community, 《漫漫长夜》社区的小伙伴们,你们好, It’s been a month since we launched The Long Dark. As many of you know, our launch was not as smooth as we would have liked. Cert...
It's very important for newcomers to read this section carefully: I've seen many comments in the past days (as the mod is becoming more popular) in where people clearly have not understood well the changed dynamics of the mod and they seem frustrated by the experience. Things are changed ...
For example, the SquaringTheCircle.xaml file in Figure 3 animates a PointCollection so a figure changes from a square to a circle with equal area and back to a square again, thus solving a geometry problem that has been baffling Western civilization since the days of Euclid. Figure 3 ...