Bring medical terminology to life with Davi-Ellen Chabner's bestsellingThe Language of Medicine, 11th Edition!An illustrated, easy-to-understand approach presents medical terms within the context of the body’s anatomy and physiology, and in health and disease. With this proven resource, you’ll...
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我的方法是一种横向联系,或者说多来源的联系。比如说《The Language of Medicine 11th edition》上看到一段对于某种疾病的介绍,如果在平常学习或工作中遇到过,可以比较一下两者之间有哪些相同点和不同点。如果没有遇到过,那也没关系,下面推荐几个不错的医学资料网站,找到相同或者相关的知识点,可以用到上面提到的第...
3.Write meanings for terms on the pronunciation of Terms list page 27 to 30. 在27-30页的词汇发音栏写下术语对应的意思。 4.Complete the Review Sheet page 31 to 32. Check your answer with the Glossary, page 959. Then test yourself by writing Review Sheet terms and meaning on the separate...
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Select a language: Edad Media middle (ˈmidl)noun 1.the central point or part.the middle of a circle.medio, centro 2.the central area of the body; the waist.You're getting rather fat round your middle.cintura adjective equally distant from both ends.the middle seat in a row.central,...
a.of or relating to a portal vein b.of or relating to a porta Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 An entrance, gate, or door to a building or courtyard, often decorated; it marks the transition from the public exterior to the private interior space...
19. (Medicine) (of a person) being inactive, owing to illness: down with flu. 20. (functioning as imperative) (to dogs): down Rover!. 21. down with (functioning as imperative) wanting the end of somebody or something: down with the king!. 22. get down on something Austral and...
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General education provides the foundation essential to specialized education, which includes a number of fields (for example, mining, radio engineering, construction, mathematics, power engineering, agriculture, medicine, history, and pedagogy). In the training of specialists, the study of specialized in...