Silence is the language of God ,all else is poor translation. -Jalaluddin Rumi
It was the result of the research found that high rates of cholesterol and hypertension in individuals regularly exposed to loud noises at work. In this situation silence can actually stimulate new cell growth in the brain, improve memory, and release tension in the brain and body. In fact, ...
“What language is thine, O sea?" “The language of eternal question." “What language is thy answer, O sky?" “The language of eternal silence." “大海啊,你用怎样的语言自我表达?” “孜孜不辍的追问。” “天空啊,你用怎样的语言自我表达?” “永世不变的沉默。” 13 Listen, my heart, ...
“ What language is thine, O sea? ““The language of eternal question.““What language is thy answer, O sky?““The language of eternal silence.“ 13 静静地听,我的心呀,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示呀。 Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes ...
]【罗,221】**(Some of them have affected not to use the common language but another one, which is absurd for someone making laws. How can they be observed if they are unknown? penguin英译本pp.229.)频繁废除法律,将人民置入因此变换引起的混乱,区分了“自然”与人的思想两种修改法律的标准。(...
(Salvation – The Work Of God!) 2025 - 01 - 26 AM "你所不認識的神" (God As You Don’t Understand Him) 顔國輝牧師 2025 - 01 - 12 AM "埃塞俄比亞太監!" (The Ethiopian Eunuch!) 2025 - 01 - 05 AM "神讓人覺察到他們的悲苦和不配 — 第一講" (God Makes People Aware Of Their ...
We are not alone. God is with us.The night after the election, some of our local parish church gathered for Evening Prayer, with generous pauses for quiet resting in the Divine Presence. When words fail, let silence speak. Afterward, we had a deep and earnest conversation about the effect...
Silence is a precious gift. In that space between our words, it’s where we find ourselves. we can hear our own heart talking to us, our soul and intuition.
The Dryad rejoiced in her life, and rejoiced in the sunshine, and the singing of the birds; but she was most rejoiced at human voices; she understood the language of men as well as she understood that of animals. Butterflies, cockchafers, dragon-flies, everything that could fly came to...
to tame completely—since here I saw that in order to live life like an adventure, to reform society, and to change the course of history, it wasn’t necessary to do away with freedoms, ride roughshod over the law, support an abusive power, silence criticism, or jail or kill dissenters...