By placing your order,you're purchasing a license to the contentand you agree to theKindle Store Terms of Use. Sold by Services LLC. Add anaudiobookwith Audible narration for$7.49 Audiobook Price:$17.46$17.46 Save:$9.97$9.97(57%) ...
By placing your order, you're purchasing a license to the content and you agree to the Kindle Store Terms of Use. Sold by Services LLC. Add an audiobook with virtual voice for $1.99 Audiobook Price: $3.99$3.99 Save: $2.00$2.00 (50%) Read with our free app Deliver...
^ O'Conner, "The Brazen Android" (audiobook hosted at Internet Archive). ^ "Fifth Business". Study Mode. Retrieved 27 April 2014. Sources Primary sources Anon. (1627), The Famous Historie of Fryer Bacon: Containing the wonderfull things that he did in his Life: Also the manner of his ...
I feel underqualified to try to describe this book, and you’ll see why here in a sentence or two. So, I’m just going to paste whatthe Publisher’s Site says:(yes, I typically would cite the audiobook publisher here, but the print edition’s publisher gives more details) A remarkabl...
audio-visual video an audioandvideocrosstal audiobook ian fleming audiodata audiogram configurati audiographic tele-con audiologistsfand spee audiomanager pro audiomonitor audioposition audiovisualconferenci audit assurance servi audit economy researc audit agency audit diversity audit etc audit executiveassi...
Some ten or so years ago, my wife and I were hunting for a long-ish audiobook to entertain us as we made a 10-hour drive. A novel was one possibility, but none came to mind. As it was, we chose a book named “Salt.” It was an account of the world in terms of salt – its...
and gifts you with a good time (if your version of a good time is replete with murders ). Unexpected and entertaining to the last, I particularly enjoyed the audiobook. Rating: 4/5 bananas Hercule Poirot’s Christmas–finally I ended my stint into Christmas murder mysteries on a classic-...
The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy was a finalist in the 2016 Audie awards for best romance audiobook. Congratulations to narrator Rosalyn Landor! The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy was a finalist in the 2016 RITA Awards in the Short Historical category. The RITAs are awarded by Romance Wri...
He and I also worked together on the Beyond the Phoenix Project audiobook, as well as the amazing panel that we did with Dr. [inaudible 01:08:24] Dr. Richard Cook, and Dr. Steven Spear on resilience engineering, safety culture, and lean. And I'm so excited that I'm getting to ...
This might be a stretch, but I’m curious if your experience differentiating between the tone and intention of an audiobook versus a print book is something similar to songwriting — a conversation about control and interpretation. Yeah. When I was writing for Madonna, she totally remix...