The former refers to biological identity; the latter has come to mean behavior that is learned. Some “socially constructed” gender roles result from beliefs about the proper way to behave. When do gender roles become stereotypes of what it means to be a woman or a man? These ideas ...
Renee H. SheaShea, Scanlon and Aufses, The Language of Composition,1.Shea, Scanlon and Aufses, The Language of Composition,7.Shea, Scanlon and Aufses, The Language of Composition,4.Shea, Scanlon and Aufses, The Language of Composition,5....
invented calculus. The idea behind Monadism is that the world is an aggregation of simple substances, the smallest of which is called the monad. The Monad product team is focused on this concept of composition, which drives the syntax, naming conventions, and many other aspects of this ...
Language is the material of literature as stone or bronze is of sculpture, paints of pictures, or sounds of music. But one should realize that language is not mere inert matter like stone but is itself a creation of man and is thus charged with the cultural heritage of a linguistic group....
Every once in a while, an evolutionary leap rapidly advances and reshapes the entire field of engineering. Such a leap occurred in software development with the introduction of the C++ programming language. This leap was not inherent in the language itself: object-oriented languages such as ...
then using functional techniques to “combine” them into larger functions (which is where we get the name “combinators”). Larger parsers can be composed by anyone with sufficient skill to understand function composition. This technique is a general one that bears exploration, but I’ll ...
Writing reflects music in that it offers its own types of accents for a composition's structure and sound. They are not central features but rather grace notes that can add melody, rhythm, and voice to our sentences. One such grace note in writing is alliteration: the repetition of two or...
functional head H related to the perfect, and either have the highest argument of the vP raise to this dative in Spec,H (Bjorkman2018, cf. Sect.4.3), or have the dative in Spec,H interpret the highest argument of the vP left open if external or passed up through function composition ...
"metadata": { "model": { "timeRange": { "value": { "relative": { "duration": 24, "timeUnit": 1 } }, "type": "MsPortalFx.Composition.Configuration.ValueTypes.TimeRange" }, "filterLocale": { "value": "en-us" }, "filters": { "value": { "MsPortalFx_TimeRange": { "model...
The composition engine’s only objective is to compose different bitmaps together. You might request various effects, transforms and even animations to be produced, but at the end of the day it’s about composing bitmaps. The engine itself has no graphics-rendering capabilities su...