Additionally, he is the Associate Editor of The Language Learning Journal (ESCI-listed Journal; Routledge) and the Editorial Board Member and Editorial Assistant of the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (SSCI-listed Journal; Routledge). His research interests include language ...
TheRUSCjournal was first published in 2004 by the Open University of Catalonia in Spain. Its remit was to capture and promote research exploring the relationship between education and digital learning, as well as the digitalisation of higher education, and to make this research openly accessible to...
Unlike them, in this paper, we survey journal articles that are available in the SSCI and ESCI databases of Web of Science™ whilst demanding as qualifying criteria that they estimated Okun’s law and have attracted at least one citation per year. This left us with a sample of 84 ...
Selected papers may be invited to submit extended version to indexed journals such as IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (ISSN: 1939-1382). Please refer to the journal' s guidelines on submitting extended conference papers. Abstracting/ Indexing: SCIE, SSCI, Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc. ...
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Asia Pacific Journal of Education 期刊介绍: SSCI 3区期刊,影响因子为1.6 论文题目: Chinese university EFL learners’ foreign language classroom anxiety and enjoyment in an online learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic 作者: 苑仁庆
Furthermore, the journal is committed to promoting a deep understanding of language teaching assessment methods, including how effective assessment can improve learning outcomes and teaching effectiveness. 《英语教学研究》期刊以其多学科性质,为英语教学与学习领域提供了一个丰富的学术交流平台。该期刊不仅发表...
SSCI AJ JCR:Q4 中科院4区 发文量 2,221 被引量 2,176 影响因子(2023) 1.742Journal for the Study of Education and Development (JSED) is an international, fully peer-reviewed academic journal centered on the psychology of human development, learning, and education throughout the life span. ...
刊讯|SSCI 期刊 《记忆与语言》2022年第122卷 本文转载于:语言学心得 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE Volume 122,February 2022 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE(SSCI一区,2020 IF:3.059)2022年第122卷共发文4篇,均为研究性论文。研究论文涉及词汇预测、观点采择、目击记忆、位置效应、短时记忆和序列回忆等。
1. you are an adept of a strict pedagogy-driven approach; you want to design a powerful language learning environment based on sound pedagogical principles and models; you do not believe technology has an inherent learning effect, but you evaluate the usefulness of media according to their potent...