intermsof,ongoodterms,inthelong/medium/shortterm Couldyoufindthepairofantonymsinthisparagraph?localvsuniversal Otherwordsandexpressions:custom/customary/theCustomsonthelatch/offthelatchcloseup Scanparas.2-6.Canyoutellwhatthepointishere?Thosedaysareover.Ithasbeenreplacedbydead-boltlocks,securitychains,...
Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求 ):1. A quarter of the earth is land. (为一般 句)quarter of the earth land?2. We can save water by helping them find new homes. (对划线部分提问)we save animals?3. Farmers need water to water the crops and vegetables on their farms. (线部分...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
about their land and the joy he finds in life and farming. Part I: the wife’s speech Part II: the farmer’s speech (para. 8—11) (para. 1—3) (para. 4—7) Text Analysis Language Style • Colloquialism • Small and simple words • Short sentences • Straightforward language ...
In the above paragraph, of the five sentences, four sentences are long, and they give detailed descriptions of the two characters. If they were broken into many short sentences, the contrast between the normal Chalmers couple and the couple on that particular occasion would not be so striking....
shanghai kohwa tradin shanghai land investm shanghai langsen air shanghai lavare fashi shanghai lexin intern shanghai linjie plast shanghai linkage inte shanghai mg trading c shanghai mechanical e shanghai medi-tech me shanghai mind key int shanghai mingrenyuan shanghai minsheng int shanghai ...
Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into compound or complex sentences,or sentences with participial,prepostiional,or other phrases1.Xu comes from a working-class family.He enrolled in college last fall.2.The dean issued a bulletin.It said the library would remain open on ...
earth是相对于天空或太空而言的“地面”;land是指地球表面相对于海洋而言时的“地面”ground指人们在上面行走的地面或具有一定面积限度的空地。soil主要表示栽培植物的“土壤”,也可引申为“国土,国度”。WarmingupCheck-onPreview Markeachofthestatements“T”fortrueor“F”forfalse.1.Thefarmerinheritedthelandfromhis...
direct repeatdr direct sale centre direct sbs attention direct ship direct short-circuit direct sky blue direct space manageme direct spot welding direct sum of modules direct switching in direct tacking direct telnet direct torque control direct transfer skin direct transit direct u memory acces dir...
英语:把下面的句子写成一个复合句要求:Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into complex sentences, or sentences with participial ( 分词 ) , prepositional, or other phrases: 题目: 1. The dean issued a bulletin. It said the library would remain open on weekends. 2. He returned ...