2009. The land- atmosphere water flux in the tropics. Global Change Biology 15: 2694- 2714.Fisher JB, Malhi Y, Bonal D, Da Rocha HR and others (2009) The land-atmosphere water flux in the tropics. Glob Change Biol 15:2694-2714
The climatology, trends and leading modes of land surface latent heat flux (LHF) and sensible heat flux (SHF) as well as their responses to monsoon and precipitation in global land monsoon domains are presented. During the past three decades, LHF and SHF
The prediction of water-subcooled flow boiling critical heat flux (CHF) in peripherally non-uniform heated tubes with or without swirl flow promoters is accomplished using a model based on the liquid sublayer dryout mechanism recently proposed by the authors. Peripheral nonuniform heating and/or tw...
4. We see that, indeed, turbulent sensible and latent heat fluxes have a cuspy TIW pattern similar to SST, with near-zero turbulent heat fluxes into the cool eastern equatorial Pacific ‘cold tongue’ water and large positive values (warming the atmosphere) to the north in the frontal ...
As humans emit greenhouse gasses (GHGs) into the atmosphere, a radiative forcing (denoted as F) develops that traps heat inside the climate system. The atmospheric and land responses and feedbacks are relatively fast (within several years). The Earth's surface temperature T (in this case, ...
oceans and land 1/5 ? atmosphere The heat stored by the ocean Evaporation and infrared radiation ? atmosphere Transported by current ? ameliorate Earth’s climate ? development of ice age The oceanic heat budget Heat budget The sum of the changes in heat fluxes into or out of a volume of ...
Scientific research and observational data show that the global climate has undergone changes with warming as the main feature in the past hundred years. According to the IPCC report, over the past 100 years, the average temperature of the atmosphere above the global land has risen by 1.53 °C...
The Lower Mekong River has witnessed extremely low water levels over the past few years. There is speculation that the changes are a consequence of the construction and operation of the Chinese cascade dams in the upper part of the Mekong main stream, the Lancang River. Dam construction on upp...
FLUXNET is a global network of micrometeorological flux measurement sites that measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere. At present over 140 sites are operating on a long-term and continuous basis. Vegetation under study includes temperate...
Mountain building results in high erosion rates and the interaction of rocks with the atmosphere, water and life. Carbon transfers that result from increased erosion could control the evolution of Earth’s long-term climate. For decades, attention has focused on the hypothesized role of mountain bu...