她随身总带着三样东西:一副望远镜、一袋蜜饯和一束茶花。除了茶花以外,从来没有人看见过她还带过别的花,这就是茶花女外号的由来。 在上流社会,有情妇是正常的现象,但把情妇当作唯一,与情妇一起过起日子是不被接受的。因此,为了维持正常的生活,妓女只能在多个有钱人间游走,永远无法找到归宿。阿尔芒初见玛格丽特于...
强烈推荐这个东东~ [茶花女 The Lady of the Camellias.txt]给你放这儿啦~ 这个资源你喜欢不,还想了解其他类似的资源不?
The Lady of the Camellias ‘The Lady of the Camellias’ was French novelist and dramatist ,Alexandre Dumasfils’, the most representative works. His father is prolific world-famous great writer Alexandre Dumas.The story of the original novel, also be to film "La Traviata" .It’s not only ...
第一篇:book report of The Lady of the Camellias-茶花女的英文读后感(578字) The Love between Marguerite and Armand ——The Lady of the Camellias “The Lady of the Camellias” was written by Alexandre Dumas, fils.It’s a story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, in Paris in the mid...
她举止稳重,体态婀娜,玫瑰色的鼻翅微微张翕着,大大的眼睛四周有一圈淡蓝色 ,表明她是一种天性。 天性热情的人,在这样的人周围,总是散发着一股逗人情欲的香味。 一些傲气和独立性:这两种感情在受了挫伤以后,可能起着与廉耻心同样的作用。 如果我保重自己的身体,我反而会死去。
最经典英语文库:茶花女(英文版) [The Lady of the Camellias] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 内容简介 小仲马的小说《茶花女》是法国戏剧由浪漫主义向现实主义过渡时期的产物,据此小说改编的话剧《茶花女》,也被视为法国现实主义戏剧开端的标志,不以情节的曲折离奇取胜,而以真切自然的情理感人,结构谨严,...
这些女人生前考究的生活越是闹得满城风雨,她们死后也就越是无声无息。她们就像某些星辰,陨落时和初升时一样黯淡无光。, 视频播放量 1362、弹幕量 0、点赞数 33、投硬币枚数 5、收藏人数 20、转发人数 18, 视频作者 爱洗澡的黑贝, 作者简介 达人观物外之物,思身后之身,相
The Lady of Camellias批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 宋婷婷 English 1 2011/6/13 Attitude to Life One’s attitude to life is decided by the environment or the situation she is in and the person she encounters and falls in love with. The Lady of the Camelliasby Alexandre Dumas, ...
The Lady of the Camellias The Lady of the Camellias is a French tragic play based onAlexandre Dumasfils.The play was adaptedfor the theater by Dumas in 1852 and then for the opera by the composer Verdi's 'La Traviata' in 1853.The play became a favorite of audiences in the late 19th ...