The Lady Eve: Directed by Preston Sturges. With Barbara Stanwyck, Henry Fonda, Charles Coburn, Eugene Pallette. A trio of classy card sharks targets a socially awkward brewery heir, until one of them falls in love with him.
Though Paramount suits were nervous about their wunderkind director, responses toThe Lady Evehelped sooth their fears; the film landed in 1941’s box office top ten and critics far and wide did somersaults – Bosley Crowther hailed Sturges as a director with “a new mode of expression… Frank ...
又名伊芙夫人 夏娃女士 The Lady Eve D...编剧 Monckton H...普雷斯顿·斯塔戈斯 主演 芭芭拉·斯坦威克亨利·方达查尔斯·科本尤金·佩里特威廉·德马雷斯特 剧情 版本一: 查尔斯(亨利·方达)是个有钱但不经世事的财产继承人,他刚结束在亚马逊持续了一年的蛇类研究,踏上归途。在船上他遇到了简(芭芭拉·...
Although the movie would be inconceivable without Fonda, “The Lady Eve” is all Stanwyck’s; the love, the hurt and the anger of her character provide the motivation for nearly every scene, and what is surprising is how much genuine feeling she finds in the comedy. Watch her eyes as she...
又名伊芙夫人 夏娃女士 The Lady Eve D...编剧 Monckton H...普雷斯顿·斯塔戈斯 主演 芭芭拉·斯坦威克亨利·方达查尔斯·科本尤金·佩里特威廉·德马雷斯特 剧情 版本一: 查尔斯(亨利·方达)是个有钱但不经世事的财产继承人,他刚结束在亚马逊持续了一年的蛇类研究,踏上归途。在船上他遇到了简(芭芭拉·...
The Lady Eve類型: 喜劇, 愛情, 動作 上映中: 沒有上映日資訊。4.0 Jean Harrington (Barbara Stanwyck) is a beautiful con artist. Along with her equally larcenous father, "Colonel" Harrington (Charles Coburn) and his partner Gerald (Melville Cooper), she is out to fleece rich, naive Charles ...
A classic Preston Sturges screwball comedy, THE LADY EVE (1941) stars AFI Life Achievement Award honorees Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda as a con woman and a hapless heir to a brewery fortune (respectively), who fall in love while on an ocean liner. The film is ranked by t...
淑女伊芙The Lady Eve 年代:1941 出品:美国 导演:普雷斯顿·斯特奇斯 主演:亨利·方达、芭芭拉·斯坦威克 初见片名中淑女一词和女主角芭芭拉·斯坦威克的名字联系在一起,给人感觉实有些可惜,并非担心斯坦威克驾驭不了端庄娴淑的角色,而是“淑女”这样人人皆可为之的烂大街形象,似乎会埋没斯坦威克的多面性演技。幸好...
commentary, also from 2001, film professor Marian Keane delivers an incisive reading of the film as a prime example of what philosopher Stanley Cavell calls a “comedy of remarriage.” Keane proves she has a keen ear for teasing out the implications ofThe Lady Eve’s double entendre-laden ...
The Lady EveThe article features British actress Alice Eve, who stars in the thriller film "The Raven" with actor John Cusack.Smith, Kristavanity fair