The Lactate ThresholdAcid, LacticDoes, WhereFrom, ComeFork, The MetabolicWay, Whichof the lactate threshold. Journal of Applied
Total microbial DNA was extracted from 440 rectal swabs using the QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The extracted DNA was quantified using a NanoDrop (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Wilmington, DE, USA). The V3-V4 hypervariable regions ...
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers, posing a serious public health challenge that necessitates the development of new therapeutics, therapies, and prevention methods. Among the various therapeutic approaches, interventi
Protein abundance is estimated using the iBAQ approach [81]. Peptide intensities for all peptides in a sample were obtained from Maxquant (quantitative proteomics software package designed for analyzing large mass-spectrometric data sets) summed up and divided by the number of observable peptides. ...
cells had a high prediction score and were confidently assigned to a single-cell type (Supplementary Fig.2). The snATAC-seq dataset was filtered using a 97% confidence threshold for cell-type assignment to remove heterotypic doublets. Comparison between snATAC-seq cell-type predictions obtained ...
Using the CAT2s equation, it is possible to calculate the different values of this threshold, that is, the different concentrations of NaCl and KCl that result at the beginning of compromised sensory acceptance of the crackers due to the reduction in the NaCl content. The research interest is ...
The database may be searched using these gene names, and when a name has been assigned to a given contig, that name is provided on the contig information page. It is also possible to search for matches to a query sequence using the complete set of BLAST options. BLAST searches return a...
Childhood obesity is a risk factor for numerous health conditions. A critical factor in the etiology of obesity appears to be the gut microbiota, which is the microbial community that resides in the human gut. The ratio of the phyla Firmicutes and Bacter
The values of the parameters finally selected in the definition of every ROI were a signal threshold of 0.1% of the maximum MS intensity, a mass accuracy deviation of 0.025 Da/e, and a minimum number of consecutive high-density values (m/z, intensity) of 20. These values allowed the ...
(predicted from all IMG isolate and metagenome data sets) and the NBCI refseq plasmid database. All spacer searches were performed using the BLASTn-short function from the BLAST+ package74with parameters: e-value threshold of 1.0 × 10−6, percentage identity of >94% and coverage of >95%...