As the film meanders through this labyrinth of teenage turmoil, it subtly explores themes of isolation, longing, and the tragic consequences of suffocating innocence. This dramatic piece is directed by Sofia Coppola, who won Best First Feature at Independent Spirit Awards for this haunting debut...
A brilliant structural engineer and a cunning inmate join forces to break out of the world's most secure prison, testing their intellect and endurance against an intricate labyrinth designed to contain them. The dynamic duo played by Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger delivers thrilling actio...
The Shock Labyrinth 3D (2009) 89mins as seen in Digital 3D Theatres from 17 October 2009 (Japan) (Native 3D) ... Night of the Living Dead 3D (2009 - original:1968) 96mins premiered on 3 October 2009 but has not had an official theatrical release. news release (Converted 3D) Dark...
No Labyrinth, behave. The Goonies? Yet he's okay putting remakes in because that's all 21st century Hollywood has got. Korea and Bollywood are killing it at the moment, compared to the US, but not a mention. Did we really need the 3 King's in there? Finally... no Hawk The Slayer...
Andròn - The Black LabyrinthAngelAngel EyesAngel-AAngels & DemonsAnger ManagementAngriest Man in Brooklyn, TheAngry BirdsAngry Birds Movie 2, TheAngus, Thongs and Perfect SnoggingAnimal, TheAnimal Project, TheAnitaAnna and the ApocalypseAnna And The KingAnna KareninaAnnabelleAnnapolisAnnieAnnihilation...
1079. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) 1080. The Last King of Scotland (2006) 1081. Borat (2006) 1082. Babel (2006) 1083. The Queen (2006) 1084. Apocalypto (2006) 1085. The Departed (2006) 1086. Volver (2006) 1087. Once (2007) 1088. The Host (2006) 1089. The Diving Bell and the Butte...
From the first famous princess movie,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, in 1937, to the warrior princesses we sometimes have now, like inBrave, princess movies have evolved beautifully. Now, one might think of what counts as aDisney Princessand apply that to all princess movies. Well, the cr...
Nostalgia can't save this movie I remember watching this film as a kid in 1984 and I loved it. I remember discussing my favorite scenes with friends and classmates. I cherrish those memories and that time period in my life. So I decided to rewatch "The Never Ending Story" today in 2021...
The Labyrinth of Time [lab] The Legend of Kyrandia [kyra1] The Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate [kyra2] The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge [kyra3] The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel [scalpel] The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of...
Hello Magazine reports. It was only a year or so later that she landed her first film role in "Once Upon a Time in America." Soon after, she was cast as the lead in the renowned fantasy film, "Labyrinth." In addition to her film career, she is also a mother, as well as wife ...