About The L Word BOOK During the six years we were shooting The L Word, I kept a photographic journal of the cast and crew, born out of a profound desire to create a bulwark against my rapidly eroding memory. It was an era of my life I was eager to preserve: I wanted to remember...
The San Francisco Chronicle declared it "a superb television series. . . The cast is wonderful, the writing impressive, and it has a lure that is undeniable," while People magazine raved, " The L Word is HOT." Now, here is the offici... (展开全部) 喜欢读"The L Word"的人也喜欢...
这算《the l word book》的第一张大合照,她们刚开始一起工作,坐在一起讨论,这张照片主角无疑是kate。由于照片比较模糊,麻烦各位看下中间的那个是不是lu. 章鱼穷 小海炫富 8 我想说,大人莫非从这个时候就偏心lu了啊,你看看你看看,就Lu看着镜头!可怜的艾大嘴poss都还没摆好呢!这一张就是!至今都被所有人...
初次留影the L word Book 来自: 歡(闭上眼睛。) 2010-04-28 15:50:53 http://www.douban.com/note/69317683/赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 伯牙·九〇 (不咸不淡,不紧不慢。) 2010-04-28 23:47:43 看起来我是没办法拥有它了。。。 赞 回复 Eve|Classified (auld lang syne) 2010-04-28...
The L Word as a series was, at its core, about community and that played out behind the scenes as the cast formed its own community. But the series also was about all of you who made our collective journey possible. That is why I wanted to make the book available to fans of the ...
当我开始为现在的 The L Word 的演职人员拍摄时,我意识 到这次一定会与众不同。The L Word 要求我们在很多情节之间穿梭,考验我们表演能力。 很明显,我们是在演绎 IC 的故事,与此同时也在上演我们自己的故事,讲述一群同伴怎样 在尽力做一些觉得值得的事情,并最终发展成为一家人。从其他角度讲,我们也是在演绎观...
JB大人在《the ..这张图是大家看着小LU的女儿~看整个画面,基本上每个人都表情一般或者看不清,但是小LU温柔的笑却特别的清晰啊有木有!大人这张其实就是想拍小LU,可怜的DANA被牺牲了……那个表情有点囧……
Chapter 3 The L Word Steve Schwarzman and James B. “Jimmy” Lee, Jr. were elated. It was the summer of 1989, and the two men had just finished a marathon negotiating session to buy CNW, a railroad company, for $950 million. The auction had been fierce. Schwarzman and Lee, a ...
ticket book- a book of tickets that can be torn out and used Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. booklet nounbrochure,leaflet,hand-out,pamphlet,folder,mailshot,handbilla booklet on natural pesticides ...