Prior to the work of Kuiper, the first Kuiper Belt inhabitant to be discovered was Plutofound by Clyde Tombaughat the Lowell observatory in February 1930. This means astronomers had discovered the Kuiper Belt long before they knew about it, though finding Pluto did lead to speculation about othe...
Kui·per belt (kī′pər) A disk-shaped region in the outer solar system, containing thousands of small, icy celestial bodies. Comets that make one complete orbit of the sun in less than 200 years come from this area. The Kuiper belt lies beyond the orbit of Neptune and includes Pluto...
The Kuiper Belt (sometimes referred to as the Kuiper-Edgeworth Belt) is an area of the outersolar systemthat is estimated to stretch across 20 astronomical units (AU) of space. It contains small solar system bodies made mostly of ices. The ices are frozen volatiles (gases) such as methane,...
it is widely believed that the Kuiper Belt is the source of the short-period comets. It acts as a reservoir for these bodies in the same way that the Oort Cloud acts as a reservoir for the long-period comets.
分類: Family 描述: A sudden flash of light, an inexplicable power outage, and Donton's doubts about his faith confound the Genesis 7 crew in the eleventh episode in the children's space series. 您必須先登入然後才可以評論影片 登入 Load More ...
Giants Found Lurking in the Kuiper BeltHighlights the discovery of large objects in the Kuiper Belt, a disk-shaped region beyond Neptune. Size of the Kuiper Belt objects; How the objects in the region orbit.Beatt...
What astronomical objects are found in the Kuiper belt? What is the name of the first asteroid belt discovered? Who discovered comet Hale-Bopp? How did Gerard Kuiper discover the Kuiper belt? Where was the first asteroid belt discovered?
The Kuiper Belt is a collection of bodies outside the orbit of Neptune that, if nothing else had happened, if Neptune hadn’t formed or if things had gone a little bit better, maybe they could have gotten together themselves and formed the next planet out beyond Neptune. But instead, in...