knight,horse- a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa) man,piece- game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games; "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board"; "he sacrifi...
4.Abbr.KtorNGamesA chess piece, usually in the shape of a horse's head, that can be moved two squares along a rank and one along a file or two squares along a file and one along a rank. The knight is the only piece that can jump other pieces to land on an open square. ...
女王的棋局第1季第5集台词 英文中文Dark's nothing to be afraid of.无需害怕黑暗In fact, I'd go as far as saying...
A knight is worththree points. Each side starts withtwo knights. Just like the bishops, the knights are known asminor piecesin chess. White’s knights are located on theb1andg1squares, while Black’s knights are located onb8andg8. Bishops A bishop is worththree points. Each side starts ...
女王的棋局第1季第3集台词 英文中文Mom!妈妈后翼弃兵 第三集Well, now.瞧瞧这里Welcome.欢迎- Got a cigarette, doctor? - So...
A knight is a piece in the game of chess that is traditionally shaped like a horse. Each player begins the chess game with two knights. ... A chess knight
5.马(或称为骑士,英文:Knight) 马的走法和中国象棋相同,同样是走“日”字,或英文字母大写的“L”形:即先向左(或右)走1格,再向上(或下)走2格;或先向左(或右)走2格,再向上(或下)走1格。不同的是,西洋棋的马没有“绊马脚”的限制。吃子与走法相同。
Pawns have another special ability and that is that if a pawn reaches the other side of the board it can become any other chess piece (calledpromotion) excluding a king (or pawn, for that matter). A pawn may be promoted to a knight, bishop, rook, or queen. A common misconception is...
Playing with the knight is easy and enjoyable if the position of your opponent resembles a Swiss cheese. If his pawn structure is full of holes, you simply transfer the knight to the best possible outpost and then enjoy watching how it destroys your oppo
port wine mulled with oranges and clovesn. (chess)apiecethatcanbemoveddiagonallyoverun-occupied squares of the same color[9] knight /nait/ 198 次n. 骑士, 爵士 vt. 授以爵位n. originallyapersonofnoblebirthtrainedtoarmsandchivalry; todayinGreatBritainapersonhonoredbythe1 ...