The Kite Runner(台湾中文译本名字为《追风筝的孩子》),是美籍阿富汗作家Khaled Hossein写于2003年的一部小说。小说故事情节的展开是以苏联入侵阿富汗和塔利班掌权后的国内暴乱为背景,以Amir和Hassan的友谊为主线,描写了父子之情、手足之情和友情,提出了忠诚与背叛、愧疚与赎罪等道德命题。Amir是Kabul一个富有商人的孩子...
only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft.” 阿富汗战争开始,他们父子逃离阿富汗时因遇人不淑,被滞留在地下室时,所有一起
The Kite Runner《追风筝的人》以主人翁从1970年代到‘9•11’之后的生活贯穿全书,以他与父亲和佣人儿子的感情为轴心,尽量勾画出阿富汗从苏联占领前夕到塔... 1 有用 This is not a review, only some fragments about it in my memory I got to know this book in 2009 after you ran into my hom...
What is The Kite Runner about? The Kite Runner Review Who should read The Kite Runner? About the Author Book summaries like The Kite Runner People also liked these summaries The Kite Runner FAQs The Kite Runner Summary of 5 key ideas Audio & text in the Blinkist app Key idea 1 of 5 ...
Review on the Kite Runner Lately, I read a novel named “the Kite Runner”, written by Khaled Hosseini, one of the most widely read and beloved novelists in the world. I came to engage myself in this novel only by chance. I was, at the very beginning, absorbed by this novel, not ...
The Kite Runner的书评。从学校图书馆借来的英文原本,上半部分花费了将近两个月,主要是因为很多阿富汗文化的专有名词让我很抓狂。后来借给我的房东看先,一天之后,房东注定跑来和我说,This is a powerful story. 昨天早上一边流泪一...
歪书单:THE KITE RUNNER 追风筝的人 希望世界和平。 看完这部小说,这是我涌起的最强烈的一个念头。虽然不太可能实现,仍是希望。人性中恶的一面使得贪婪、暴力在人类世界中制造了太多的战乱和混乱。镌刻在希腊神庙门楣上的“人啊,认识你自己”也只能是神对世人无奈的提醒。
Anjali Motgi
I feel that the Kite Runner is rather like a documentary literature rather a pure novel. since the scenes and occasions happened in Afghan in 1990`s described in this book are well known worldwide. The flames of war raged across the land, the bombs, the skinny children, the refugees, exi...