Finally, God states the conclusion that all of these promises point to: "Your house and your kingdom shall endure forever." This means that David's dynasty will never end; there will always be an heir of David seated upon his throne. The Shape of the Davidic Monarchy Eight Elements of ...
Before getting into the specific scriptures and historical comments, it is important to understand that a kingdom requires a king, territory, subjects, and laws. Those are the components of a kingdom and also components of the kingdom of God. (Those who would like to can also watch some Y...
The Gospel of the Kingdom extends far beyond individual salvation and spiritual growth. It unveils God's plan to redeem all creation from Satan's control, calling on all believers to participate in this restoration effort. This far-reaching message reveals the immensity of God's love and His ...
then it’s time to discuss the Scriptures. “Do you believe Jesus was born of a virgin?”Luke 1:27-32“That the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary, His mother, and that God is His father?”Luke 1:34-35“Do you believe
So why then does Jesus call us as we pray for God’s kingdom to come to earth, to“Seek first the kingdom of God and the justice of that kingdom”?(Mt 6.33) If our focus is to be only on heaven, how do we seek the Kingdom of God now, here, on earth? I propose that much...
On the other hand, there are features in the gospels that do not reappear in Acts or the epistles, such as parables, the “son of man” title, and the “kingdom of God.” All the data suggests that a clear boundary existed between the history before and after Easter. There is just ...
[DTW note: The way into that kingdom is the way that Christ trod.Bear this in mind when you read Melissa’s “The Jesus Way” into the Kingdom of God. There is no difference between them whatsoever]. It involves the sacrifice of the personal self for the good of the ...
which is to materialise the kingdom of God on earth, today, here and now. The time is past wherein we can emphasise a future and coming kingdom. People are no longer interested in a possible heavenly state or a probable hell. They need to learn that the kingdom is here, and must ...
Because you haven't first experienced His reality by first becoming born anew through immersion in God's holy Spirit. That is what Jesus said; Unless you are born again, you cannot SEE or ENTER the kingdom of God. Jesus said, "You MUST be born again (John 3). And without Him ...
one would come to the conclusion that Jesus’ good news of the kingdom of God and Paul’s good news of justification by faith possess the same elements: “1) the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus; 2) Jesus ' story as the fulfillment of the Scriptures; and 3) Jesus ' salvific...