DC Finest: Aquaman: The King of Atlantis collects iconic tales of the ruler of Atlantis! Marking Aquaman’s early Silver Age appearances, this volume is the perfect starting point for fans of Arthur Curry’s retconned continuity that established him as the ruler of A... ...
3. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom《海王2:失落的王国》Momoa is back as Arthur Curry, the king of Atlantis, alongside Patrick Wilson as his half-brother, Amber Heard as his girlfriend, Nicole Kidman as his mother, and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as his arch-enemy, Manta. The film's director,...
aquaman王国海王kingdom失落台词 海王2:失落的王国(2023) AquamanandtheLostKingdom Part5 他现在自己当老板单打独斗 He'ssolelyrunningasanindependentoperator. 他的藏身处在哪? Whereisheholedupnow? 作为交换我可以让 Inexchange,Iofferafavor... 亚特兰提斯之王欠你一次情 fromtheKingofAtlantis. 你难不成真...
Youaretheonetrueking. 亚特兰提斯值得拥有真正的王者 Atlantisdeservesitsonetrueking. 我才是独一无二的真正王者 Iamtheonetrueking! 你知道我曾经有一度非常想见你 Youknow,therewasatimewhenIwantedtomeetyoumorethananything. 想让你知道你并不孤单我俩能互相扶持 ...
Eric Meyers Pierre Hatet 饰:The Mad Scientist Olivier Hémon 饰:Alfred Bazooka Natacha Muller 饰:Oya 维克多·皮内蒂 Tom Eastwood Mario Santini 饰:Ogun Christian Pellissier 饰:The Guardian 罗兰·坦西 饰:King Oceanis 塞尔日·法利 饰:Orkov ...
fromtheKingofAtlantis. 你难不成真想让我跟那种 Youseriouslyexpectmetoplayfootsiewithsomeone 满手血腥的家伙打交道? withthatkindofbloodontheirhands? 可我没有手 Idonthavehands! 也没有脚 Orfeet! 听着若是你提供的情报核实无误 Listen,iftheinformationchecksoutgood, ...
The eldest son, Atlas, was the first king of Atlantis. He controlled the island’s central hill and its area nearby. At the top of the central hill, a temple was built in memory of Atlas’s father, Poseidon. Inside the temple was a huge gold statue of Poseidon. The rulers of ...
ThethroneistheheartofAtlantis. 然而王座现在却经常空虚 Toooftennowitstandsempty, 只因国王有一半时间在陆地游荡 whileourkingspendshalfhistimeonland. 现在他在陆地的仇家更尾随他回家 Andnowhissurfaceworldenemieshavefollowedhimhome. 若亚特兰提斯在世人面前现身 Thistragedyismerelyatasteofthehavocthatwillbewrought,...
the underworld where the great king sits upon his throne of might. Deep I bowed in homage before the Lords of Life and the Lords of Death, receiving as my gift the Key of Life. Free was I of the Halls of Amenti, bound not be death to the circle of life. ...
亚特兰蒂斯皇家酒店 (The Royal at Atlantis) 1 Casino Drive, 天堂岛, 拿骚, 新普罗维登斯, 巴哈马 退房日期2月3日, 周一 1/1 度假村 👍今天已有5人预订 酒店优势 卫生优选 24小时前台 9.1位置优越 1 Casino Drive, 天堂岛, 拿骚, 新普罗维登斯, 巴哈马 ...