Either way, the titular toucan and robin duo, voiced by Tiffany Haddish and Ali Wong respectively, are back for another adventure through cruddy adulthood. With her head full of doubts over her career and the lingering effects of sexual assault, Bertie auditions a series of therapists as she c...
Yona of the Dawn is a great option for those of us who aren't necessarily strict romance anime fans, but enjoy a good romance if there is fantasy and adventure surrounding it. Princess Yona leads a sheltered life in the Kouka Kingdom, but she's about to get a quick and harsh lesson...
Imagine your typical RPG-style fantasy world, filled with monsters and adventure. Now replace all of said monsters with Cute Monster Girls, and throw in huge amounts of Fan Service and outright sex. The Monster Girl Encyclopedia is Exactly What It Says o
It’s time for all of you to join us in watching one of the great (and underrated) adventure films of all time, and perhaps James Cameron’s best film: “The Abyss.” We watched the Special Edition of the film, and discuss the ways in which it’s superior to the original cut, ...
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The Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated musical comedy adventure fantasy film based on E.D. Baker's novel The Frog Princess, which was in turn inspired by the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale The Frog Prince. The film opened in limited release in New York City and Los Angeles ...
What follows is a story that confronts loneliness, gives us romance, and takes us on an unforgettable adventure that may very well bring you to tears as well. Suzume is, quite simply, one of the most astounding animated movies of the 2020s. Not only does it perfectly blend a multitude ...
The following is an alphabetical list of Super Mario-related sightings and references in animated and anime television shows. For a list of references in live-action television, see List of references in live-action television.
As they fight their way back home through an animated world of difficult decisions and deadly battles, players’ choices throughout the game will impact the evolution of their monster allies, and the final ending. Battles in the game are fought in 2D, in a more classic SRPG style. Developer...
ADVENTURE II. THE RED-HEADED LEAGUE I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day in the autumn of last year and found him in deep conversation with a very stout, florid-faced, elderly gentleman with fiery red hair. With an apology for my intrusion, I was about to ...