Librarians took their jobs very seriously going out even in the worst of weather and through treacherous terrain. Using their own horses or mules, women made their rounds twice a month. They took home $28 a month which in today's money would be about $495....
They could all speak very well while they were outside in the streets, but when they entered the palace gates, and saw the guards in silver uniforms, and the footmen in their golden livery on the staircase, and the great halls lighted up, they became quite confused. And when they stood ...
Bangkok's Grand Palace was a residence for King Rama I through King Rama V. Also home to Wat Phra Kaew (the Temple of the Emerald Buddha), the ceremonial royal complex is a top attraction in Bangkok today. Allow at least half a day to admire the ornate carvings, gilded teak woodwork,...
and horses were used by their owners solely for the logistics business, while traders and guards carrying goods on their heads and shoulders run the business in the south. With the use of animals or humans, traders and ILS operators ferried goods to distant markets and trade points within the...
引导语:安徒生童话故事第10篇:幸运的套鞋The Goloshes of Fortune 1.开端 在哥本哈根东街离国王的新市场①不远的一幢房子里,有人开了一个盛大的晚会,因为如果一个人想被回请的话,他自己也得偶尔请请客才成呀。有一半的客人已经坐在桌子旁玩扑克牌,另
“Carefully cooked by Mrs. Lomax,” Harry Benedict recounted years later, “in strict accord with all the finer principles of gastronomy, it was set, not before a king, but before certain unroyal personages who were met to destroy the turkey and to found a Texas alumni magazine.” After ...
The Qatar Goodwood Festival is one of the undisputed highlights of the British flat racing season. The world famous 5 days festival is a sporting and social occasion like no other, attracting many of the world's elite racehorses who compete for...
“China” was first used during theZhou Dynasty, 1066-771 BC (Zhong Guo: 中国, literally “Central Nation” or “Middle Kingdom”). All outsiders were lumped into the “uncivilized barbarians” category, an attitude that would persist through the early 20th century (actually, there’s still ...
(22.9-4-5 = excerpts of Constantine Porphyrogennetos) Brennos, the king of the Galatians, on entering a temple found no dedications of gold or silver, and when he came only upon images of stone and wood he laughed at them, to think that men, believing that gods ...
JACK'S FATHER: "As soon as the king took the crown in hand... 59 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:38,832 "... the giants were slave... 60 00:03:39,080 --> 00:03:40,833 "... to his every command. 61 00:03:41,560 --> 00:03:45,190 ...