The Killing Fields: Directed by Roland Joffé. With Sam Waterston, Haing S. Ngor, John Malkovich, Julian Sands. A journalist is trapped in Cambodia during Pol Pot's bloody Year Zero cleansing campaign.
《杀戮战场》 The Killing Fields (1984) 豆瓣:8.2/时光:8.1 影片讲述一个柬埔寨医生因为他的美国记者朋友的失误陷落入红色高棉执政后的柬埔寨,九死一生逃亡而出的故事。这片子看的人心里太堵,更兼毛骨悚然。是84年拍乞的,饰医生的柬人吴汉,本身经历过这场浩劫,以非正式演员的身份出演,但演得却非常朴实自然,因...
1984 杀戮战场 The Killing Fields 1982 甘地传 Gandhi 1982 芬妮与亚历山大 Fanny och Alexander 1981 烽火赤焰万里情 Reds 1979 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now 1979 苔丝 Tess 1978 天堂之日 Days of Heaven 1977 第三类接触 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1976 光荣何价 Bound for Glory 1975 巴里·林登 Bar...
貌似去年要审判红色高棉了(当时我不在地球,所以不甚清楚)。后来看了些文章,粗粗补了点历史,也听说了有部电影叫The Killing Fields。因为表姐和姨父在柬埔寨工作过,我也看了不少吴哥窟的照片,所以对这个小国的兴趣貌似比一般人高那么一点点。于是就下了这部电影来看看。其实水平不错的,三项奥斯卡不算当不起,但我...
又名杀戮战场 杀戮之地 The Killing Fiel... 编剧 布鲁斯·罗宾逊 主演 萨姆·沃特森姜岳约翰·马尔科维奇朱利安·山德斯格雷格·T·尼尔森 剧情 1972年,纽约时报记者辛尼在柬埔寨采访,柬埔寨人潘迪是他的翻译兼助手,两人在战火纷飞中结下了深厚的友谊。1975年,红色高棉占领金边,辛尼进入法国领事馆后安全撤退,潘迪...
The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngor: Directed by Arthur Dong. With Haing S. Ngor, Jack Ong, Jonathan Nitasneak Dok, Wayne Ngor. When Dr. Haing S. Ngor was forced into labor camps by the Khmer Rouge, little did he know he would escape years of torture
The killing fieldsPresents information on the effects of pesticides and other pollutants on the deaths of Swainson hawks. Involvement of Stuart Houston; Discovery made by researcher from United States Forest Service on death of Swainson's hawks; Information on...
《杀戮战场》(The Killing Fields,亦有译名:《杀戮之地》、《战火屠城》)是罗兰·约菲导演,萨姆·...
The Killing Fieldsearned widespread critical acclaim and recognition. It was nominated for seven Academy Awards and won three: best editing, best cinematography and best supporting actor (Haing S. Ngor). The last of these awards was particularly remarkable, given that Ngor was a Cambodian-American...
2小时21分钟 5.9 力荐 5看过 17想看 片 名战火屠城 上映时间1984年11月02日(美国) 导 演罗兰·约菲 又 名杀戮战场 杀戮之地 The Killing Fiel... 编 剧布鲁斯·罗宾逊 主 演萨姆·沃特森姜岳约翰·马尔科维奇朱利安·山德斯格雷格·T·尼尔森 剧情 ...