In this crime thriller, Morgan Freeman reprises his role as Alex Cross, who teams up with a Secret Service agent (Monica Potter) to track down a kidnapper who has abducted the daughter of a U.S. senator. As they follow the clues, they realize that nothing is as it seems. Released:...
MOVIE REVIEW: Instead of making another Western about the infamous outlaw,Billy the Kid, director and co-writer Vincent D’Onofrio (Netflix’s Daredevil,Jurassic World) crafted a slow-pacing story about truth and respect largely told through the eyes of a 14-year-old kid, Rio (newcomer Jake...
The Flash: Directed by Andy Muschietti. With Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton, Sasha Calle, Michael Shannon. Barry Allen uses his super speed to change the past, but his attempt to save his family creates a world without super heroes, forcing him to race for
The Annoying Kid Movie: Directed by Gibson Batty. He's a snot-nosed, blonde-haired kid with no mates and a very disrespectful attitude towards authority. Annoying Kid spends most of his spare time riding on his Raleigh Chopper and wearing his very stylis
Maybe you haven’t seen it since you were a little kid? Revisit the journey of Dorothy over the rainbow if that’s the case and appreciate this wonderful fantasy on a new level. The Wizard of Oz watch on max If you subscribe to a service through our links, Vulture may earn an ...
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: Directed by Steven Spielberg. With Dee Wallace, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote, Robert MacNaughton. A troubled child summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape from Earth and return to his home planet.
it's good to know the best kids movies on Netflix right now. Whether you need a distraction or you're hosting friends and family, Netflix offers a host of quality kid-friendly flicks. Of course, you want to know that your kid isn't watching garbage, which is why we made this Cliff...
So, not every kid has what it takes to be a Kevin McCallister, although several have tried over the past three decades. Here they break down the true genius of the original John Hughes and Chris Columbus Christmas classic that has been in heavy rotation since 1990, the totally admirable ...
Whether you are a horror fan with a soft spot for Pyramid Head or a Nintendo kid looking for a family movie night offering, there's something for everyone in the world of video game adaptations. While video game movies generally have a bad reputation, thanks to a new generation of ...
The movie: At the sixth hour of the sixth day of the sixth month (get it?), a certain baby was born who would change the world forever. And not just within the world of The Omen. Damian is the ultimate evil kid - the spawn of Satan himself - and he’s here to wreak havoc on...