运行后报错: Parsingerror:Thekeyword'import'isreserved 这是因为我们还没有在配置文件.eslintrc中配置parserOptions来指定语言版本为和模块类型。 在.eslintrc添加如下配置: {"parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":7,"sourceType":"module"}} 重新编译运行。
1. 确认错误信息 错误信息表明:“parsing error: the keyword 'import' is reserved”,意思是“import”是一个保留关键字,不能被用作其他用途。 2. 解释“import”为何是保留关键字,并说明其在Python中的特殊作用 在Python中,“import”是一个保留关键字,用于导入其他模块或包,以便在当前脚本中使用它们提供的功能...
我有一个 eslint 问题,它给我 [Parsing Error The keyword import is reserve] 这只发生在 sublime 中,在 atom 编辑器中运行良好。我有eslint .eslintrc.js module.exports = { "extends": "airbnb", "plugins": [ "react" ] }; 包.json { "name": "paint", "version": "0.0.0", "descript...
ERRORin./src/main.js ✘ http://eslint.org/docs/rules/Parsing error:The keyword'import'isreserved/Users/macroot/myWorkspaces/sell/src/main.js:1:1importVuefrom'vue';^✘1problem(1error,0warnings)Errors:1http://eslint.org/docs/rules/null Child html-webpack-pluginfor"index.html":Asset ...
这个错误通常发生在你尝试在一个不支持 ES6 模块语法的环境中使用 import 关键字。 ESLint 默认使用的是 ES5 语法,如果你想使用 ES6 或者更新的语法,你需要在 ESLint 的配置文件(如:.eslintrc.js等)中设置 parserOptions。 以下是一个示例: {"parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":2020,// 你可以设置为你需要的 ...
1:1 error Parsing error: The keyword 'import' is reserved Member ljharb commented Mar 5, 2017 With babel-eslint, you don't need any of those parserOptions. I'm not sure why you're getting that error tho - is this on the command line, with a locally installed eslint? Sorry, somet...
5:1 error Parsing error: The keyword 'import' is reserved ✖ 5 problems (5 errors, 0 warnings ERROR: lint:tools: None-Zero Exit(1); Copy link Owner coryhousecommentedMar 25, 2016 It appears babel-node isn't pre-compiling the build tools. What happens when you run this at the root...
Parsing error: The keyword 'export' is reserved && error Parsing error: Unexpected token < 如果你也在使用eslint,也报了如上错误,可以尝试: $ npm install babel-eslint --save-dev 然后,加上: rules: { "parser":"babel-eslint" }, 问题解决。
WSD_SECURITY_CERT_VALIDATION_V1 structure (Windows) ULongLongToLongLong function (Windows) SIO_TCP_INITIAL_RTO control code (Windows) IActiveBasicDevice::IsImageSupported method (Windows) MDM_Policy_Result01_AppRuntime02 class (Windows) MDM_Policy_User_Config01_Display02 class (Windows) MDM_Wind...
eslint 관련 오류가 생겨 해당 링크를 참조해 해결하였다. import가 인식이 안되는 오류였는데, 다행히 아래 extends 방법으로 해결이 되었다. salesforce/eslint-config-lwc#67 (comment) ...