迈克尔·杰克逊:《HIStory》《Invincible》 | 玛丽亚·凯莉:《Daydream》《Butterfly》《Merry Christmas》 | 比利·乔尔:《River Of Dreams》 | 冷玩乐队:《X&Y》 | 布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀:《Greatest Hits》(附赠曲目) | U2乐队:《Pop》 | 席琳·迪翁:《My Heart Will Go On》 | 空中铁匠乐队:《I Don’t ...
表演者: The Glory of Hell and Death 发行时间: 2001 出版者: independent 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听 在听 听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 简介· ··· Handnumbered & limited to 12 copies only that were given to special persons whose name is written on the inner cover. The...
迈克尔·杰克逊:《HIStory》《Invincible》 | 玛丽亚·凯莉:《Daydream》《Butterfly》《Merry Christmas》 | 比利·乔尔:《River Of Dreams》 | 冷玩乐队:《X&Y》 | 布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀:《Greatest Hits》(附赠曲目) | U2乐队:《Pop》 | 席琳·迪翁:《My Heart Will Go On》 | 空中铁匠乐队:《I Don’t ...
but Dixon took exception and shot LaCourse. He bled to death on the bar floor. They hadn’t known each other. His obituary described him as “being the life of the party.” (Even Wyatt Earp did not allow “sixguns”
You opened your eyes, and found yourself in the middle of nowhere. A mysterious girl, with her monotonous tone, spoke of various confusing matters. Safe House. Purpose. Erosion. Death. The only way to grasp the truth is to hold on the black sword of yours, ...
48. be a matter of life and death 生死攸关 49. be plausible 似是而非 50. be paradoxical 自相矛盾 51. brag about sth 自吹自擂 52. cynical 愤世嫉俗 53. nine out of ten 十有八九 54. rest on one's laurels 不思进取 55. in a dilemma 左右为难 56. between tears and laughter 啼笑...
37.The way they dealt with adversity, conducted illicit affairs, endured domestic dramas, and planned romantic conquests. 包括他们面对困境的方式 处理不正当的婚外情 忍受不断的家庭闹剧 对浪漫的无限憧憬 38.But since my death, my friends had lost their interest in fiction. ...
a只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指才能弹出世间的绝唱。 Only then has experienced hell suffering, only then has conquers the heaven the strength.Only then has bled the finger can spring in society pinnacle of poetic creation.[translate]...
I had better take the key, Gemma, so as not to wake anyone by ringing." She raised her eyes to his face as he took the keys. She understood that he had invented a pretext in order to leave her alone with the Gadfly. "You and I will talk to-morrow," she said. "W...
serve the president to the best of my ability. 再以最好的状态为总统服务 And what changed? How did you come to that conclusion? 发生了什么变化,是什么让你得出那样的结论 I had some fundamental differences of opinion 我与白宫中的某些人 with certain people in the White House. 基本理念不合 Lik...