Live, from The Incomparable, it’s Jason Reitman’s “Saturday Night,” a film that purports to capture the 88 minutes before “Saturday Night Live’s” first live broadcast 50 years ago. All of our panelists agree it’s a well-made movie. There are many actors and comedians playing ac...
The market has shown we’re always open to a new survival title. But, in case I haven’t said it too many time already, blockchain is a 100% deal breaker for me. It is expensive, inefficient, solves no problems, and attracts a population looking to make money and exploit the system ...
Your work will be the only key to your success. The vibratory energy of the Draculean essence, to which all the members of the Chain are attached, flows throughout the astral body of the Adept of the Chain, in the vessel of the soul, crystallizing it, and truly transforming it into ...
MacLunkey Despecialized! November 25, 2019 Lawrence of Arabia An epic. November 21, 2019 Saga of Rereading Epics: The Adversary Lisa and Erika reach the end of Julian May’s Saga of Pliocine Exile. The proper podcast launch will follow in the new year, but you get to listen now!
Moved the Memory of Scholomance and Leaders of Scholomance achievements to Classic - Dungeons - Scholomance Moved Wards of the Dread Citadel, 'Never Bothered, Anyway' and Putting Wilhelm Out of Business to Classic - Raids - Naxxramas Moderately reduced the memory and Exported Map file sizes...
Siege of Orgrimmar key art Patch 5.4.0: Siege of Orgrimmar is a raid patch of World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria and focuses on the Siege of Orgrimmar from the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde to topple the ruthless warchief, Garrosh Hellscream. The patch includes a new raid, the...