本期内容分享一本超有含金量的雅思书——《The Key to IELTS Writing Task 2 (Pauline Cullen)》。它是前雅思考官、《雅思官方指南OG》作者的又一力作。 它主要为高阶雅思考生、想要冲刺雅思高分的宝子设计,且…
The Key to IELTS Writing Task 2 (Pauline Cullen)The Key to IELTS Writing Task 2 (Pauline Cullen)The Key to IELTS Writing Task 2 (Pauline Cullen)
本期内容分享一本超有含金量的雅思书——《The Key to IELTS Writing Task 2 (Pauline Cullen)》。它是前雅思考官、《雅思官方指南OG》作者的又一力作。 它主要为高阶雅思考生、想要冲刺雅思高分的宝子设计,且全英电子书无解析,...
《The Key to IELTS Writing T 本期内容分享一本超有含金量的雅思书——《The Key to IELTS Writing Task 2 (Pauline Cullen)》。它是前雅思考官、《雅思官方指南OG》作者的又一力作。 它主要为高阶雅思考生、想要冲刺雅思高分的宝子设计,且全英电子书无解析,是一本难度较大,高分段冲分必备雅思写作书。 正...
庆幸的是,几乎所有的Task 2大作文题目都可以分为六大类别的题目,和小作文的攻略一样,每一类别的题型都有精准的、系统的思路结构,这就是「雅思写作完整方法论」的精髓所在。 进入正题! Question Type 1:建议类 建议类的题目是雅思大作文中经常出现的类型,一般含有这样的字眼:"should", "a good way to...",...
Task 1 曲线图 - - 范文 答题 Some people say that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative effect on young people's reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant exam...
IELTS Writing Section:Usually, one can get the key to success via the IELTS Writing section by applying the knowledge to get a high band score. If you are writing the IELTS Academic test or IELTS General Training, you need to write a 250-word essay in Writing Task 2. ...
The IELTS and TOEFL essays success is determined by its introduction. In this writing lesson we will look at how to construct an introduction paragraph that will not only make reading easier for the grader, but will also keep you focused on what you need
Nowadays, many countries in this world are in a race to achieve their aim with science. The key to many problems humans face is science for reducing hunger, finding new cures, and creating a better economy. However, there is a strong argument that the public should be the...
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